By Matt Edwards (Secondary Chaplain) 


Have you ever returned from a holiday, and in the first week back to work you cannot help but look at your diary to see when your next holiday will be? Our holidays are not just about enjoyment, but they act to fulfil an important role in our lives. They can prepare us to keep living well in the normality of life. 


If I go to the fuel station to fill up my car, and I put petrol on the ground, in the back seat, in the car next to me, but I don’t put it in my fuel tank, I will quickly run into trouble. There is no end to how we can spend our holidays, but if we don’t use them considering what we are heading towards once they are finished, we too can become unstuck. Our kids are no different. They need to learn what it means to use their spare time/personal time/holiday time to be used in a way that benefits them. If they binge shows on tv or play video games all day (and night!) it is no wonder if they feel yuck when they get back to school. It’s like only eating junk food all day every day; there is going to be an effect. And so we can see that investing time solely into momentary enjoyment, can cost our kids their long term flourishing. 


Our Western society has placed our own personal happiness as the highest priority in life. But we all know that what we think will make us happy, very well may not be healthy or good for us. The patience, and awareness to spend our time on what is going to get us ready again for functioning well in everyday life, is a hard skill to practice. But once we get the hang of it, it becomes much easier.  Because there are so many things that want to pull our kids away from spending their time well, they need good role models. For them to see sane and happy people, who don’t always do things the most efficient way, or the most enjoyable way! But who express that while life can be hard, it can still be good all the same. 


Our holidays are designed to refresh and revitalise us to keep living a healthy life. If our kids learn to apply their holiday rest habits to their everyday life, this will give them a solid basis for long term wellbeing.







Keep an eye on this spot over the next editions and get to know our amazing wellbeing team!  This week we find out more about one of our Deputies, who overseas our wellbeing team! 

Vicky Fraanje (Deputy Principal)

General Background? 

I started teaching at Maranatha in 1996 (such a long time ago!). I never knew I wanted to be a teacher until I did my first teaching round at Boronia Heights Secondary College and loved it.  I'm married to Arthur and have two children, who very scarily are now adults! I love teaching in Secondary but I'm a little scared of Primary students.  I had a horse when I was younger and loved riding, I was a keen swimmer and basketball player, now I cheer loudly from the sidelines. 


When you were younger what did you want to be? For a very long time I wanted to be an air hostess, then a lawyer, and a teacher was never on my radar.


What was your first job or your most unusual job? 

I worked at the cafe at Grants Picnic Ground in Kallista from 15 years of age, for about 7 years.


What is your role and when did you commence at BHCS? I worked a couple of days a week teaching Psychology and Humanities, I then gradually increased as my children got older.  I'm pretty sure I started in 2008.


Best part about your job?  So many things, but at the top of my list would be working with great people (staff and students) and such a lot of variety...I'm never bored!


Hobbies? I love a good book, a TV series I can binge and camping, the more remote the better.


When you think about Jesus, what comes to mind? Grace and forgiveness


What is your favorite Movie? A movie that I could watch over and over again..St Elmo's Fire...don't judge me!


Favourite Meal? Anything I don't cook, anything shared with others or my Mum's lasagne.


Favourite holiday destination or place to visit? We had a fortnight in the Flinders Ranges in September a couple of years back, that was fabulous. Camping anywhere near a river with a fire, friends and family


Life verse or motto: This is hard, I think it changes depending on age and stage.  At the moment this resonates with me - "Let go of who you think you're supposed to be and embrace who you are made to be"


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