Around the School

Calling creative families.
I would love to have a mud kitchen built at school for children who love to 'cook up a storm' at recess. If you know anyone who could build something like this we would be so happy! Please let us know if a family/ grandparent/ relative would like a project. contact the school office if you can help. Thanks in advance.
We think of everything here at St Pat's, teaching children how to use the resources we have, and eliminating the need to purchase items. Our students created these little caterpillars and delicious egg and bacon muffins using the leftovers from our Father's Day breakfast.
It sounds like your students had a great time at the Eureka Athletics event today! Congratulations to Mia, Asha, India, Jackson, Harry, Zac, Charlie, and Walter for their participation and representing the school with pride. It must have been an exciting day for everyone involved!
Daisy and Hazel
Dear Families,
There is an opportunity to look after our two guinea pigs over the school holidays. Daisy and Hazel come with a hutch, enough straw, newspaper and guinea pig food to get through the holidays, as well as a bag of carrots to start you off. They like gentle cuddles (younger children may need supervision) and have stayed in homes with other pets so are not afraid of noise.
If you would like to take care of our pets or would like more information please let Miss Frost.
School Netball
We have had a fabulous season of school netball this year with around 60 of our students playing at some stage or another.
I'd like to thank all the parents and coaches for their dedication to the school Netball. Special mention to Kristy Tehan, Megan Ruyg, Kate Cleary, Shane Fernandas, Bree Moore, Erin Atterton and Kathryn Zanette. Your help and commitment to make the program run smoothly and allow so many children to play sport is invaluable. I hope the students have made many great memories and improved their skills and we look forward to having them all back next year (with the exception of our year 6's of course).
School Wide Positive Behaviours
Our current Behaviour Blitz focuses on building student's awareness of being respectful and responsible learners when the regular classroom teacher is away and when specialist subjects are running. This can often be a challenge for both staff and students alike as there can be a change in routine and expectations. Through our implementation of School Wide Positive Behaviour Support in 2024, we are more and more mindful and committed to maintaining consistent responses to addressing behaviours - acknowledging the positives and re-teaching expected behaviours.
For the next few weeks, students will demonstrate that they can be well-mannered, listen to and follow instructions and participate in learning activities respectfully, responsibly and safely.
Congratulations Lori who will receive a free lunch order for demonstrating these behaviours.