From the Principal

You said, “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly (John 10:10).”
We are called - to love; to care for one another; to include one another and remind one another of each and everyone's priceless value as being made in the image and likeness of our God. We pray that all are OK.
It is so valuable to inquire about well-being regularly because life presents challenges every day. So much can transpire over the course of a year, month, or even week. Those you care about—be it friends, family, colleagues, partners, or teammates—experience both highs and lows constantly. Engaging in regular and meaningful conversations fosters trust and normalises discussions about personal struggles. This creates an environment where individuals feel comfortable reaching out to you when they are facing difficulties. While R U OK? Day on Thursday, September 12, serves as our National Day of Action, we encourage you to initiate the conversation any day of the year. Remember, a simple conversation can have a profound impact on someone's life.
Dear families,
As we enter the final week of this term, I want to extend my best wishes to everyone for a wonderful and enjoyable week ahead. This week holds an exciting highlight—our biannual Art Show—which I know will be a fantastic celebration of creativity and talent within our school community.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your hard work, dedication, and enthusiasm throughout the term. Together, we’ve explored the concept of influence through the lens of the science domains, engaging in rich learning experiences and growing in our understanding of the impact of science on the world around us. Your efforts have been inspiring, and I am grateful for the commitment of our students, staff and families.
Looking ahead to next term, we will continue to explore the concept of influence but through exciting new avenues, including the use of digital technologies and an in-depth study of civics and citizenship. I’m confident it will be another term filled with engaging and meaningful learning experiences.
As many of you know, this coming week marks the start of my leave, during which I will be joining my principal colleagues on a Spiritual Heritage Pilgrimage in Ireland. I am excited for this unique opportunity to deepen my understanding of St Patrick and the origins of many religious orders and significant figures who have played a key role in shaping Catholic education in the Ballarat Diocese.
During my absence, Thea Hubble will be acting principal, and I know she will continue to lead our school with the same care and dedication that defines our community.
100th Year Celebration
We're gearing up for a fantastic social occasion in October to mark our 100 Years at Drummond Street. To book tickets please follow this link. There have been some great photos emerging to share at the evening - if you have any past photos you'd like displayed please email them through.
Summer Uniform
From the beginning of term 4 students will be required to wear their full summer school uniform. You can find further information about the appropriate uniform items here. A reminder that we are a Sun Smart school and expect that all students wear a hat for outside play, activities and excursions throughout term 4 and 1.
Save the Date
Our Semester 1 Celebration of Learning morning was a great success and received glowing feedback from those who attended. We will be holding a Semester 2 Celebration of Learning morning on Wednesday 4th December between 9-10am.
2025 Dates and Fees
We're currently in the process of finalising professional learning closure days for 2025 and aim to release these early in term 4 to support your future planning.
At this time we will also share the 2025 School Fee structure.
Through the valued advice of the School Advisory Council, we have decided to maintain an annual Grade 5/6 Camp rather than opting for a bi-annual camp. We have a tentative date booked in Anglesea from Monday 19th - Wednesday 21st May.
National Parent Survey
Catholic School Parents Australia (CSPA) is running a parent survey in partnership with the University of New England on Student Wellbeing and Learning and are seeking your perspective as parents/carers of children who attend a Catholic School in Australia.
You are invited to share your views on existing and emerging affirmations and/or challenges in relation to your child/children’s wellbeing and learning.
The survey is anonymous, confidential, and completely voluntary.
For more information about the study and to participate go here.
Thank you for your support.
This week on SchoolTV you will find a special report about RU OK Day?
The rise of mental health concerns among young people, including anxiety, depression, and self-harm, is a pressing issue amplified by factors such as academic stress, social media, family dynamics and societal expectations. It is therefore crucial to prioritise early intervention, de-stigmatise mental health discussions, and provide accessible and effective support to address these concerns and promote the wellbeing of young people.
This year R U OK?Day falls on Thursday 12 September, an annual National Day of Action and a reminder that every day is the day to check in with your friends, family and colleagues.
Click on the link below to access a wealth of videos, articles, and resources on the aforementioned topic.
All Editions | St Patrick's School - Ballarat (
End of Term and Start of Term 4
Term 3 concludes next Friday 20th September at 2:30pm. Term 4 commences on Tuesday 8th October.
Wishing everyone a restful break and a wonderful final week of term.
Kind regards,
Ben Shields