Student of the Week

Congratulations to last weeks award winners:
Week 8
Jack (Foundation) For showing responsibility by taking pride in your work, and showing persistency within each lesson. Your hard work has not gone unnoticed, keep up the good work Jack.
Flynn (12A) For showing responsibility by listening to others and respecting their opinion. You have contributed some terrific ideas and responses to our class discussions. You are a super star!
Leah (12B) For challenging yourself during maths this week when learning about time. It is great to see you have taken on extra work to learn about the minutes and connecting skip counting to the time. You’re a superstar!
Josh (56A) Forshowing great focus during all lessons and starting your work right away. I was especially impressed by your effort in solving challenging maths problems involving multiple operations. Keep up the amazing effort!
Harley (56B) For thoroughly and attentively learning and researching your planet for this term’s Inquiry project about Space. Keep up the good work!
Week 9
Sophie (Foundation) For responsibility by trying your best in each lesson. Well done Sophie for persisting even when things seem hard. You are doing a great job.
Umayam (12B) For showing whole body listening and being engaged during our morning circle. You have settled into the school nicely and formed some great friendships. Well done!
Elliot F (34A) by being so patient even though it seems like everything is going wrong. Elliot you have shown great perserverance with your Canva project and it looks fabulous. Well done.
Ewan (56A) For making wise choices about your learning. You have been focused during lessons, giving your Personal Best in tasks and answering questions during class discussions. Keep up the great effort!
Jade (56B) For trying really hard in all lessons and attempting all tasks. I have been especially impressed by the effort you are putting into answering questions during our English lessons. Well done, Jade!
Obi (PE) For competing in the 12/13 Boys 1500m at the District Athletics. Obi ran against boys three years older than him. What a legend! Obi competed without stopping and was smiling as he ran past the cheering crowd. Congratulations Obi, you are a superstar who embraces the MPS spirit and resilience. So proud of you!