Classroom News
Grade 5 & 6
Term 4, Week 2
Classroom News
Grade 5 & 6
Term 4, Week 2
We hope that you all had a restful holiday and are looking forward to an exciting term 4.
Our Curriculum This Term
In this term's Reader's and Writer's Workshops, we are focusing on exploring different perspectives in traditional fairy tales. We are also continuing to do Author’s Chair which showcases students' published writing pieces.
Currently in Maths we are learning how to use and interpret timetables. Later on in the term we will be focusing on fractions, decimals and percentages.
In this term's Inquiry unit, we are investigating how we can showcase our deep knowledge of a topic we are passionate about. Our Grade 5 students will then move on to complete a Leadership Unit, which prepares all Grade 5 students for the responsibilities of moving into Grade 6 and their final year of Primary School. Our Grade 6 students will spend time preparing for graduation.
Please ensure that your child brings a hat to school this term. Icy pole sales happen in Term 1 and Term 4 of school. Icy poles will be $2 each. Please send your children to school with coins only and no large notes, as we cannot accept them.
Important Dates
Wednesday 23rd Oct First Aid Training
Friday 1st November School Disco
Friday 1st November State Chess Competition
Monday 4th November Curriculum Day
Tuesday 5th November Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Monday 11th November Remembrance Day
Wednesday 13th November Evening of Music
Wednesday 20th November Band Recruitment Night (Grade 5 students)
Friday 22nd November Step Up #1
Friday 22nd November Sofcrosse Round Robin
Friday 29th November Step Up #2
Wednesday 4th December Grade 6 Graduation
Friday 6th December Step Up #3
Wednesday 11th December Meet the Teacher
Monday 16th December Funfields Grade 6
Tuesday 17th December Grade 6 Dress Up Day
Wednesday 18th December Cheers & Tears Assembly
Thursday 19th December Last Day Term 4
If you have any questions or would like to communicate with your child’s classroom teacher, please reach out via Compass anytime.
Thank you,
5/6 Team 2024