Curriculum Programs 

Kitchen Garden Program

The MLC continue to enjoy learning new skills and tasting new ingredients in their Kitchen Classes. Students are becoming more skilled in their use of kitchen utensils and are continuing to improve their safe knife skills. Our students have become very good at cleaning and are experts in washing up and drying dishes. Parents should let them practise this skill at home!  


Earlier in the term we focused on making food with our hands and had lots of fun learning to make gnocchi, pizza and Johnny Cakes for NAIDOC week. We have also been learning about foods from different cultures and have made Okonomiyaki pancakes and sushi from Japan and spiced pies from India.

Students would love to be able to prepare some of these dishes at home for their families to enjoy. Just ask them :)

As the weather warms up, we hope to be able to cook and enjoy more produce grown in our own school garden. 



Mrs Angela Malan

Kitchen Garden Program

(Heights Campus)