A Spotlight on Learning
A Spotlight on Learning in the FLC Springvale Campus
It has been a jam packed and incredibly busy Term 3 in the Foundation Learning Centre. We have spent a lot of time having fun whilst engaging in some fantastic learning.
In Reading the FLC students have been learning to retell a text and make predictions. Students used pictures and text to help them retell a story and have made plausible predictions about what may happen next in the story. They are now able to say what happened in the beginning, middle and ending of the story. They have really enjoyed reading fiction books in class as a whole group and also independently.
In Writing the students have been focusing on independent writing. They are now writing their own sentences by using words from charts around the room and by "having a go" at sounding out new words by using their letter sound knowledge. So amazing!!!
In Numeracy the FLC students have continued to practise their counting and achieve more of their goals. They are now learning about location which involves using positional language to describe where an object is. (For example: in front of or behind.) They are playing games by identifying where an object is and giving directions to a partner to place an object somewhere. eg. “Put the teddy bear behind the cup. Stand between the table and the bookshelf.” They are also recording in their books by drawing pictures and writing the correct prepositions.
The FLC students also celebrated Father’s Day a few weeks ago by inviting their Fathers and Friends into school for morning tea. Both adults and children had lots of fun participating in many activities. The chidlren loved giving the gifts they had made.
Over the last two weeks the students have been participating in the school swimming program. They have been learning about safety at the pool and the rules that they need to follow to keep themselves safe. The students have thoroughly enjoyed the swimming lessons and they have become more confident being in the water. Well done to all of our amazing FLC students for showing our school value of RESPECT (using their good manners and listening skills) at the pool and for showing independence by looking after their belongings.
Coming up in Term 4 is our excursion to Chesterfield Farm. We are very excited and looking forward to learning lots about all theanimals.
Mrs Judy Ktenas
FLC Learning Centre
(Springvale Campus)