This Week's Updates

Dear Families,
Welcome to Term 4! I hope you all had a restful break and your children are ready for their final term of learning this year. The staff have been busy over the break, continuing to plan learning for our students which commenced towards the end of last term. Our whole school value for the term is co operation.
We will publish our Level Newsletters in next week's newsletter so keep an eye out for these important documents which provide valuable information to parents regarding your child's learning and class focus for the term.
Division Athletics
Monday 14th October: Division Athletics Program - 9am - 2:15pm, Tom Kelly Athletics Track, Doncaster. Please see schedule below:
Twilight/Afternoon Sports Thursday 31 October
This year we are holding this event from 1.30pm - 4.30pm at the Bill Sewart Athletics Track (same venue as past years). This time provides a combination of reducing Time in Lieu we are required to pay to staff and allowing parents time to come along and view their children in action.
Parking Support Please
We have had some complaints from local residents regarding parking on Centre road including blocking driveways and parking dangerously near the roundabout, in front of the fire hydrant and double parking and blocking traffic while waiting for a park. Please respect our lovely neighbours and be careful where you park whilst always keeping the safety of our students at the forefront of your mind.
School Disco - Hurry! Book your tickets!
Book your tickets HERE .Tickets are $10 and cover entry, a glow stick, icy pole and sausage! Bookings close tomorrow, Tuesday 8th October at 11pm.
Grades PREP to 2 disco runs from 5.00-6.00pm . Grades 3-6 disco runs from 6.30-8pm.
Volunteers are still needed for set up, sign in, supervision and BBQ. Please sign up to volunteer HERE.
Parish Fete
The fete's success relies on the participation of the whole Parish and we are hoping that you will actively be involved in our wonderful Fete this year. It's a great day for the whole family and the kids love attending.
This year's fete will be on Saturday 16 November. All families are expected to contribute to our fete. This year, as a Fete Committee, we are discussing the possibility of asking for volunteers to sign up earlier than in the past to help avoid that last minute panic.
The Fete committee have asked that each year level volunteer on a particular stall unless you have already committed to another stall. Year Level Stalls are listed below:
Prep - Popcorn/Fairyfloss
Year 1 - Snowcones
Year 2 - Lolly Stall
Year 3 - Donuts
Year 4 - Cakes
Year 5 - Coffee
Year 6 - JJ's Cafe
Please sign up to volunteer via the QR codes below.
Building Update
Things moved very quickly over the holiday break with walls being erected and windows due to go in next week. Plastering has commenced and will continue as much as possible until the building is fully waterproof and up to lock up stage.
The power upgrade was completed over the holidays and you may notice the new switchboard near the pedestrian gate at the west end of Centre Rd.
We remain on track to move in towards the end of January.
A Few Term Four Reminders/Notes
- Summer Uniform is to be worn from Monday 21st October (choose Winter or Summer depending on the weather until then)
- No hat = no play
- Prep 2025 Transition commences next week with the Parent Info Evening - we have 45 Preps for 2025 at this stage
- All school fee accounts should be settled by now unless you are on a direct debit arrangement or have another agreement in place with the school
- Lamingtons switch over to Icy poles at Friday recess
- Bike Education will take place for our Yr 4 and Yr 5 students during this term
- Monday 18th - Friday 29th November - School Swimming Lessons - Prep - Year 4
Hope you all have a great week,