Year 3 Update

3A-Mrs Oakley 3B-Miss Monagle 3C-Miss Keller 3D-Mr Wright 3E-Ms Ziino

3A-Mrs Oakley
3B-Miss Monagle
3C-Miss Keller
3D-Mr Wright
3E-Ms Ziino
3A-Mrs Oakley
3B-Miss Monagle
3C-Miss Keller
3D-Mr Wright
3E-Ms Ziino

Upcoming Learning:

During the next fortnight, students will be undertaking learning in the following areas:

SubjectLearning Focus

Week 4: To understand what inferring means. 

Week 5: To understand how to ask and answer questions about a text. 


Week 4: To understand how advertising persuades a reader. 

Week 5: To understand how to publish a writing piece. 


Week 4: To understand angles. 

Week 5: To understand time. 



Week 4 and 5: To understand food production and how this varies around the world. 
Social and Emotional 

Week 4: To understand how to be kind to others. 

Week 5:


News and Reminders:

  • Homework has been sent home please see your Compass page for details.
  • Take home reader books have also been sent home, please see your Compass page for details.  
  • Hats are back! Please ensure your child has a school hat at school as these must be worn outside at all times.

Celebration of Learning:

3A Essential Assessment
3C Mass lesson
3C Enjoying the sunshine
3A Essential Assessment
3C Mass lesson
3C Enjoying the sunshine
3D Writing a persuasive letter
3E Chairs on strike
3E Writing to the chairs
3D Writing a persuasive letter
3E Chairs on strike
3E Writing to the chairs
3C Chairs on strike
Writing a persuasive letter
3C Chairs on strike
Writing a persuasive letter