Prep Update

Prep A-Miss Hope Prep B-Miss Papa Prep C-Ms Lloyd Prep D-Mrs Herres Prep E-Ms Rhimes

Prep A-Miss Hope
Prep B-Miss Papa
Prep C-Ms Lloyd
Prep D-Mrs Herres
Prep E-Ms Rhimes
Prep A-Miss Hope
Prep B-Miss Papa
Prep C-Ms Lloyd
Prep D-Mrs Herres
Prep E-Ms Rhimes

Upcoming learning:

During the next fortnight, Prep students are undertaking learning in the following areas:


Week 4 & 5:  We are learning about how sentences are broken down into: subject, adjective and verb. We are looking at word choice and re-visiting rhyming words.

We will continue to engage in daily Phonics lessons, focusing on the long vowels /ee//ea/ and words ending with /y/ . We are continuing to link our learning to the sounds learnt earlier in the year.


Week 4: We are completing our narrative unit, writing our own story- including characters, setting, problem and solution. 

Week 5: We are learning about character voices and creating our own comic strips.

MathsWeek 4 & 5: Addition. We are going to be learning about and applying a range of addition strategies, such as counting on, doubles and near doubles, number lines and linking our place value understanding.



Week 4 & 5:  Toys unit. We are investigating toys from 1999 and onwards. We will explore all different types of toys and toys from movies. 
Social and Emotional 

Week 4 & 5  We are undertaking our Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships unit (RRRR). 

This includes questions such as: What are clothes for? How to keep my body safe?

We will be learning about persistence, what is means and how to apply it in our learning.

News and reminders 

  • Hats! Students must wear their hats outside at recess and lunch times. Please ensure that they come to school daily.
  • Reader satchels-  In between the reader change, please continue reading our decodable book as this will help with fluency, comprehension and blending skills. Don't forget to go through all the sounds we have learnt so far in our phonics books, as well as the 'sound out and read section.'  This is extremely important, especially as we start to learn some trickier diagraphs.
  • Heart words- Teachers will continue checking heart words throughout the week and updating them as needed.
  • Prep classrooms are starting to collect construction materials- boxes, cardboard, paper towel rolls, ect. If you have any items that will help us, please send them along to school. Any help will be greatly appreciated!
  • Monday the 6th of November (Cup weekend) will be an altered day. Regular classes will not be running and class teachers will not be available. Alternate arrangements will be made for students attending.

Celebration of learning

Prep A giving each other directions for location in maths
Prep A giving each other directions for location in maths
Prep B
buddie reading!
Prep B
buddie reading!
Prep students reading with the Grade 6's in their house colours.
Prep students reading with the Grade 6's in their house colours.