Student Leaders 2023


Castiel White
Kira Storer
Castiel White
Kira Storer

Sport Leaders     

Jayden Harry
Jayden Harry

Sport News

On Monday 16th of October, 9 Year 6 students (Natalie, Ella, Lylah, Caitlin, Jordan, Jayden, Lincoln, Kingston and Jacob) represented Hillsmeade Primary School in the division hoop time competition at Dandenong Stadium. We played 5 games, three of which were very close games. We won 4 games and drew one. Overall, we finished top of the pool for the day and will continue through to state in December.  


House Points

Here are the house points for this fortnight:

4th Place: Tunparrim (Blue) – 1004

3rd Place: Wimba (Red) – 1084

2nd Place: Yarny (Yellow) – 1253

1st Place: Woorruk (Green) - 1403


Well done to Woorruk (Green) House!


























Learning Leaders    

Michael Tantra
Zoya Salman
Michael Tantra
Zoya Salman


House Leaders                                    

Green - Caitlin Suhr
Green - Milly Jackson
Yellow - Lylah Browne
Yellow - Natalie Bartuccio
Red - Harper Kelly
Red - Morgan Neal
Blue - Emily Cowen
Blue - Kingston Davida
Green - Caitlin Suhr
Green - Milly Jackson
Yellow - Lylah Browne
Yellow - Natalie Bartuccio
Red - Harper Kelly
Red - Morgan Neal
Blue - Emily Cowen
Blue - Kingston Davida


SRC Leaders 

Lex Whitehead
Mahli Tapuai-Tonumaipea
Lex Whitehead
Mahli Tapuai-Tonumaipea