Principal's Message

Linda Buckeridge: Principal 

Prep Enrolments 2024

We are currently finalising our enrolments for next year, preparing for transition and thinking about class creation. Please ensure that you have enrolled your child, if you still need to do so. I also encourage you to speak with family and friends to ensure they have also enrolled their children who are ready for Prep in 2024.

Please don't hesitate to contact the office if you have any further questions on 9704 6313.

Event Updates

As per my Compass post last week, please be advised that class teachers will not be available on Monday 6th November (Cup Weekend) and alternate arrangements will be made.

Curriculum Day is Monday 27th November, so please ensure you have this date locked in your diaries.

An update to our End of Year Extravaganza - this year we are holding this event after school hours. Children are now required to be supervised by their own family members who are 18 years or older. 

We ask ALL students to please come along to sing their Christmas song with their classmates and take part in this whole school event. The Extravaganza will start at 4.15pm and conclude at 5.45pm.

Unwell Students

We have noticed a high number of students that are attending school with flu like symptoms and upset stomachs. I remind you that if your child is unwell they need to please stay at home until well enough to return to school. 

Reducing Rubbish

Can I ask our community to please support us in reducing the amount of rubbish children are bringing to school. We are striving to become more responsible in this space and if families could also assist with how lunchboxes are filled, that would be incredibly helpful.


I also encourage you to chat with your child and remind them that if they do have rubbish, that it needs to go into a rubbish bin. We are now encouraging students not to take any rubbish outside with them during recess and lunch.

Thank you for your support in this matter.


World Teacher's Day

On Friday 27th October it is World Teacher's Day. I would like to take this time to acknowledge the high quality teaching team we have at Hillsmeade and thank them for their tireless passion to give your child every opportunity to succeed. Our teachers (and all staff) are incredibly dedicated to their role and I am so grateful to work with such an enthusiastic, positive and high performing team, who always put our students first. To each and every one of the Hillsmeade teachers, and to all teachers - Happy World Teacher's Day!