Catholic Identity


Traditionally each month of the liturgical year is dedicated to some aspect of our faith or a special saint.  The month of September is dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows and is a time when we remember seven sad events that occurred in the life of Our Lady.   


Often people ask why do Catholics venerate Our Lady.  The short answer is that this devotion leads us to Christ.  In reflecting on the trials and tribulations of Mary’s life we can sometimes come to understand and accept our own suffering.   Even though Mary was sinless and the mother of God, we know that she understands our sufferings because she herself suffered. 


Our Lady of Sorrows is a good reminder that, just like the country song, Jesus never promised us a rose garden. His mother Mary was spared original sin, but not suffering. The greatest saints have had great sorrows too. Our devotion to God doesn’t promise us material wealth or a life free of suffering on earth, it promises us eternal happiness with God in heaven when this life is over.


As a family you could spend time during September reflecting on the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady as depicted in the image below:


Classes began Term 3 exploring the Sacrament of Confirmation.  Each level focused on a particular aspect of the sacrament.  They deepened their understanding of the Holy Spirit and the ways they can use their gifts and talents to serve others. Recently students across the school have been exploring the concept of vocation and have been introduced to some Spirit- filled people in the church. They have explored different Catholic institutions and Religious orders, investigating the works of mercy that they do around the world. 


With the recommencement of Community Masses, the Parish is looking for parents who would like to join a Mass organising committee for St John the Apostle’s Community Masses.  This committee will work with Kemp Vinson the Parish’s new Pastoral Worker.  We will be holding the St John’s Community Masses on the fourth Saturday of every month, in the School Hall.  This is a great opportunity for families to be involved in the faith development of their children, while supporting the Parish in a meaningful way.  Please contact the school office if you would like to join this committee. 

St Andrew's Parish - Take Home Sheet