From the Principal

Welcome Back
The students have had a very settled start back to term 4. It has been great to hear their excitement since we started back last week. Everyone was incredibly tired at the end of term 3 and the holidays were a very welcome opportunity to recharge our batteries.
Term 4 is a very busy term with several excursions and incursions planned for the different year levels. I am excited to be heading to the Zoo with the grade 1/2s on Tuesday 10 October. The Preps have an excursion planned for Bundoora Farm and the 3-6s have a cool Reptile Encounter incursion later this month as well. In addition, we will start our 2024 Prep Transition Program, Grade 6s will start their transition to secondary college and our other classes will begin preparing to transition to their 2024 year level! Phew!! As I said, lots happening in addition to our regular programs.
2024 Enrolments
A friendly reminder to families that if you have a child who will turn 5 by 30 April 2024, now is the time to complete your enrolment paperwork. We are trying to finalise numbers and it is challenging if we don't know our exact numbers. We try to keep our class sizes as small as possible but also need to take budget constraints into account.
Are you planning to leave LEPS in 2024? If you know your child (other than grade 6s) will not be with us in 2024, please let us know as soon as possible. Staff will be working on 2024 class placements and it is helpful to know if any students are leaving and will not be with us in 2024.
Working Bee Success
Our working bee on the last day of term 3 was an incredible success! We had a wonderful group of volunteers, students (current, past and future), parents and staff completing different projects around the school including planting, weeding and mulching. There was a fabulous festive spirit and the gardens looked so much better after everyone's efforts. We enjoyed a few delicious treats thanks to Tina and this certianly kept everyone's energy levels up.
Thank you to everyone who participated. I am loathed to write a list of names as I would hate to leave anyone off the list and cause offence BUT know you have our immense gratitude for your assistance. Special thanks to Nicholas (Ivie's Dad) for taking some of our weeds away for us. Ivie and Theo were a great help squashing them down so we could fit more in!
Parliament Prize Awards
Congratulations to Malek and Jayla, who received a Highly Commended certificate for their entires in the recent Parliament Prize competition.