Parent Association 



After many big events in the past two weeks we wanted to make sure that we thanked everyone that made them possible. A massive thank you to all of the following people. We couldn't have run these events without you.


Fathers Day Breakfast Set up

Megan Quayle

Nikko Formoso

Tracey Woods

Naomi Goldburg

Dorit Patterson

Melanie Inglis

Nancy Rosario

Diana David

Sue Tran

Natasha Schnabl

Loi Vo

Aneshree Moodley

Monica Vojjala

Phoebe Inglis - photographer, artist and acrobat!


Fathers Day Breakfast

Diana David

Natasha Schnabl

Dorit Patterson

Lara Graham

Dhani Chandra

Melanie Inglis

Tracey Woods

Lucy Tverdolov

Martina Mann

Amy Burnett

Tina Ioannides Douras

Melissa Du

Lisa Dale


Whole School Expo

Kathryn Hahn

Gine Blombery

Diana David

Melanie Inglis


A big thank you to Steve Woolfe who came and changed the gas bottle over so that we could keep getting the sausages out quickly. 


It has been a big few weeks of events and we are grateful to all those that have helped out.


Have a safe and relaxing break and we will see you all when school resumes for Term 4.