Principal Team Message

Term 4 - Edition no: 15, 2023


We welcome each and every one of you back to school after what we hope was a restful and joyful school break spent with family and friends. As we resume, we want to acknowledge that the adjustment to daylight savings time and the recent bout of poor weather conditions were not the most ideal way to begin this term. However, we can witness that staff and students are all genuinely committed to adapting to the routines of school once again, even if it might seem a bit longer for some of us.


As we move forward in this term, we want to remind everyone that we are a community that thrives on resilience, compassion, and unity. Together, we will continue to navigate the challenges that may come our way and celebrate the triumphs that lie ahead. Our commitment to the well-being and education of every student remains steadfast, and we are confident that, with your continued support, we will achieve great things together.


We are looking forward to another term filled with growth, learning, and memorable experiences. 


Bonjour Ripponlea Families!

We are excited to announce that on Monday, October 23rd, Ripponlea Primary School will be celebrating "Cultural Day" as part of our Languages Other Than English (LOTE) program. This promises to be a fun and educational event for all our students, and we encourage them to get involved and dress up in a way that represents a country of their choice.


Express Your Cultural Creativity

Students have the freedom to express their cultural creativity in various ways, including:

  • Flag Colors: Dress up in the colours of a flag from a country of your choice.
  • Traditional Costume: Wear traditional clothing from a specific culture.
  • Sportsperson, Musician, Dancer, Artist, Character: Choose to represent a famous personality from a particular culture.
  • Food: Bring a dish or wear an outfit inspired by a particular country's cuisine.
  • Landmark or Building: Dress as or depict famous landmarks or buildings from around the world.
  • An Animal: Represent an animal that is significant in a particular culture.

We believe this is an excellent opportunity for our students to learn about different cultures, celebrate diversity, and have some creative fun.


Crepe-Oohlicious Visit

To make the day even more special, Crepe-Oohlicious will be visiting our school and serving delicious crepes to students who order one. Please ensure that you complete the COMPASS forms by Friday, October 13th, as we need to pre-order the crepe fillings. 


Each student can choose one flavour from the following options:

  • Chocolate Spread (dairy & nut-free)
  • Lotus Biscoff Biscuit Spread (dairy & nut-free)
  • Strawberry Jam
  • Lemon & Sugar
  • Honey
  • Maple Syrup

These mouthwatering crepes are sure to be a delightful addition to our Cultural Day festivities. We encourage all students to participate in this special day and take the opportunity to learn, explore, and celebrate the rich tapestry of cultures that make our school community unique. We look forward to seeing the vibrant and diverse representations on Cultural Day.


If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Let's make Cultural Day a memorable and enriching experience for our Ripponlea Primary School community!  

Please don't forget COMPASS & QKR for all details and payments. 


Get your walking shoes ready to travel actively to school together on Friday 20th October. 


Families, students and teachers are encouraged to ditch the car and start their day with some exercise by walking to school together. Not only is this a healthy way to get to school, it helps reduce traffic congestion as well as helps the environment.




We are delighted to share with you the remarkable progress we have made in enhancing our school facilities, thanks to the incredible generosity and support from our dedicated parents and community members. Through the Building Fund, your contributions have enabled us to embark on an exciting journey of transformation, turning our school into an even more vibrant and inspiring place for our students to learn and grow.


One of the most visible and exciting transformations has taken place in the form of a colourful revitalization. Our Italian/French room and the OSHC (Out of School Hours Care) building have undergone a stunning makeover. The fresh, bright colours now adorning these spaces perfectly complement the internal features of our main building, including the weatherboards, beams, and pergola, with meticulous mortar touch-ups and carpentry work on doors and cracked walls. It is truly heartwarming to see these areas come to life with such vibrant energy.


But the transformation doesn't stop there. We have also undertaken significant painting projects throughout the main building, the library, and the Performing Arts room. 

In a crucial development, our school recently underwent a comprehensive facilities audit, which revealed that our ageing roof had been causing damage due to leaks. Thanks to your support and a grant of $30,000, we have been able to address this issue, ensuring that our students and staff can enjoy a safe and dry learning environment. Furthermore, our school's exterior has received a facelift, as we painted the front of the school and the side of the kinder, giving our campus a fresh and welcoming look.


One of the highlights of our ongoing improvements has been the repair of the spider web, much to the delight of our students. Additionally, we have initiated a claim to replace the damaged shade sails, ensuring that our students can continue to enjoy outdoor activities safely.


Beyond these visible changes, the safety of our school buildings and grounds remains our top priority. With the support of our community, we have secured funding to remove unsafe trees across the entire site. This proactive approach to safety ensures the well-being of our students, staff, and visitors, reflecting our commitment to maintaining a secure and nurturing environment.


We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you who has contributed to our school's growth and transformation through the Building Fund. Your unwavering support and generosity have made all of these improvements possible. Our school is looking better than ever, and it is all thanks to your dedication to our community.


Our Year 3/4 students have set off on a remarkable camping adventure to Phillip Island! For many of these students, this marks their very first camping experience, a momentous occasion that will undoubtedly shape their growth and development in countless ways.


The sun rose this morning to reveal a group of enthusiastic students, their faces filled with anticipation, as they departed for this memorable journey. Over the next few days, our students will immerse themselves in the wonders of nature, forge deeper bonds with their friends, and explore the incredible ecosystems that Phillip Island has to offer, all while gaining independence away from the comforting embrace of their families.


One of the key highlights of this trip is the opportunity for our students to visit the Phillip Island Eco Centre, a hub of knowledge where they will discover the rich tapestry of creatures and habitats that call this island home. It's a chance for them to connect with the environment, learn about conservation efforts, and appreciate the beauty of our natural world in a hands-on and meaningful way.


As we eagerly await their return on Friday, we have no doubt that our Year 3/4 students will return to us with a treasure trove of stories and experiences that will enrich their lives and shape their perspectives. Camping trips such as these are not just about fun and adventure; they also foster valuable life skills, independence, and resilience in our students. They learn to work together as a team, overcome challenges, and develop a profound respect for the environment.


Thank you to our team of staff supporting our students - Braden Leech, Lydia Ioannidis, Jane De Lorenzo, Jon Wood, Stef Hoffner, Julie Nield, Jac Holzer, Mark Soroczynski, Marta Campbell/Natalie Rose.


Our thoughts are with all families, both here in Melbourne and in Israel, who are affected by this situation. We understand that our students are likely to hear media reports and engage in discussions with their peers, and we want to encourage a thoughtful and empathetic response.


Conflict, especially one as deeply rooted as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, can evoke strong emotions and complex questions. We are all part of a global community, and our empathy extends beyond geographical boundaries. The suffering of families and individuals affected by conflict knows no borders, and our hearts go out to all those who are enduring hardship, uncertainty, and loss.


We encourage you to explore the recommendations provided on the website we have shared with you. 


General advice around speaking to students about distressing events for each age group if it is helpful from:


Age 2–6

  • Avoid discussion of or exposure to really horrific news.  Don't bring it up -- unless you think they know something. There's no reason to bring up school shootings, terrorist attacks, threats of war, or the like with young kids. If you suspect they do know something -- for example, you hear them talking about it during their play -- you can ask them about it and see if it's something that needs further discussion.
  • Affirm that your family's safe. In the case of scary news, -- even if you're a little rattled -- it's important for young children to know they're safe, their family is OK, and someone is taking care of the problem.
  • Simplify complex ideas -- and move on. Abstract ideas can complicate matters and may even scare young kids. Use concrete terms and familiar references your kid will understand, and try not to overexplain. About a mass shooting, say, "A man who was very, very confused and angry took a gun and shot people. The police are working to make sure people are safe."
  • Distinguish between "real" and "pretend." Young kids have rich fantasy lives and mix up make-believe and reality. They may ask you if a scary story is really true. Be honest, but don't labour a point.

Age 7–12

  • Wait and see. Unless they ask, you know they were exposed, or you think they know something, don't feel you have to discuss horrific news or explain heinous crimes). If kids show signs of distress by acting anxious, regressing, or exhibiting some other tip-off that something's a miss-- approach them and invite them to talk.
  • Talk … and listen. Older kids hear about issues related to violence, crime, and war on social media, YouTube, TV, and movies -- not always reliable sources for facts. Try to get a sense of what your kids know before launching into an explanation, since you don't want to distress them further or open up a whole new can of worms. Feel them out by asking, "What did you hear?," "Where did you hear that?," "What do you know about it?," and "What do you think about it?"
  • Be honest and direct. Older kids can find out what they want to know from different sources, and you want the truth to come from you. It's not necessary to go into extreme detail. 


Dear Ripponlea, Primary School.


The Smile Squad team from BHN Group are coming to our school soon. Smile Squad is the Victorian Government's free school dental program.


This means all students can get a free dental check-up, preventive services, and treatment at all Public Victorian schools.


How to access free dental care


We need your consent before we can provide services. Consent is provided by a Parent or Guardian.


Sign up to Smile Squad at: OR use the below QR code:




Please complete and submit the consent form by 3rd November 2023



Do I need to attend my child’s appointment?


No, you do not need to attend your child’s appointment. You can attend if you would like to, and you can take your child to the community dental clinic if you prefer.


The BHN Group Smile Squad team are looking forward to seeing you soon.



Kind regards,

BHN Smile Squad Team. 240 Malvern Rd Prahran

341 Coventry St South Melbourne) Ph.132 246


Until next fortnight........


Natalie Rose             &                        Marta Campbell 

             Principal                                     Assistant Principal