Public Speaking

Public Speaking


Congratulations Public Speakers!


On the last two Thursdays of Term 3 we held the Boambee Public Speaking Finals in the hall. Students from across the school delivered fabulous poems and speeches on topics ranging from ‘All Kids Should Play Video Games’ and ‘The Importance of Music’ through to ‘The Rising Cost of Sour Worms’ and ‘Ban Animal Testing’. 


After being successful in their classroom competitions, students delivered their prepared and impromptu speeches in front of a panel of adjudicators and an audience made up of their peers. The students spoke confidently and assertively and should be very proud of themselves! 


Unfortunately, there could only be one winner from each stage and the adjudicators really found it hard to pick from all the wonderful speakers. Our champions who will be competing at the next level are: 


Early Stage 1:  Winner - Harper L (KH) and Highly Commended - Indiana B (KT) 

Stage 1: Winner - Kruze B (2B) and Highly Commended - Frankie B (1D)

Stage 2: Winner - Aurora A (4S) and Highly Commended - Ezrah K (3P)

Stage 3: Winner - Thomas E (5M) and Highly Commended - Heidi S (6D)

Good luck to these students as they advance to the Bongil Bongil Public Speaking Competition on Wednesday 18 October.