P&C News

P&C President's Report
Dear Boambee Community,
As term 3 comes to an end, I would like to thank the BPS school staff and administration for all their help in coordinating projects for the P&C this term. We love supporting the students of such a wonderful school. The Disco was amazing and the turn out fabulous. The kids had such a great time. Thank you to all the school and parent community for the support before and on the night.
Our next P&C meeting is Term 4, week 3 - Monday the 23rd of October at 6pm. We have the local highschool Principal coming along to talk about transition for our primary school students to Toormina High School. It will be highly informative and a chance for you to ask any questions that you may have. We welcome everyone and look forward to having you there.
In the meantime have a lovely and safe Spring Holidays.
Tasanee Alam
P&C President