Principal's Report

Principal's Message
Year 12 Graduation
Toormina High School 2023
Today I had a wonderful morning celebrating the Year 12 Graduation Ceremony at Toormina High School. The leadership, academic excellence and sporting achievements celebrated were simply outstanding!
Public Speaking
Over the past 2 weeks we have completed 3 public speaking events at Boambee Public School. The efforts of our students were absolutely outstanding. It was clear that our students had prepared extensively at home, with many of the students able to recite their 2 and 3 minute speeches from memory. I was inspired to build a terrarium, play more video games and save the planet by our students. It was entertaining and educational.
Congratulations to the students who were selected to go on and speak at the Bongil Bongil Public Speaking next term at Toormina Public School.
Thank you to Mrs Grumley and Mrs Watt for their organisations of these events.
PBL Draw
We had a fun PBL Draw to celebrate the end of the term on Thursday this week. Here are the students who were drawn out at the Nunguu Draw. Well done students!
Term 4
We are all looking forward to Term 4 and our school musical - The Amazing Race. Tickets go on sale Wednesday the 11th of October 2023.
Classes 2024
We will be setting up class structures and allocating your children to specific classes in the coming weeks. If your circumstances for 2024 are changing, please notify the school so that our class structures can be developed with accurate information.
Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday!
TOM 2024
We are collecting information for Tournament of Minds in 2024. This will help us know how many teams and the categories we need to cater for. If you would like your child to participate please register via the link below.
Principal Awards
Congratulations to the following students who received a Principal Award at Friday's assembly:
Chloe Williamson - 6D
100% engagement in Mathematics Home Learning Journal.
Luca Prouin - 4G
Exceptional use of manners towards parents and staff.
Parker Strickland - 1D
Excellent and positive attitude to all class and school activities. He always displays a kind and caring nature to his peers.
Marlee Hornby - 2B
Marlee always demonstrates kindness and caring towards other students.
Ryan Croghan - 3N
Outstanding commitment to home reading.
Willow Johnson-Moore - 3N
Outstanding commitment to home reading.
Evie Spencer - 2H
Proactively cleaning the school playground at lunch time.
Rose Gunthorpe - 2/3RM
Proactively cleaning the school playground at lunch time.
Aria Sullivan - KH
For being caring and considerate towards everyone she meets.
Ivy Jeffery - KH
For working hard this year to improve her reading.
Hunter Wiggins - 3N
Taking pride in his school and helping others.
Ava Meli - 3P
Reviewing editing procedures to include persuasive devices in her writing.
Xavier Cotton - 3P
Applying a persistent attitude to his musical speaking role.
Ava Taboada-Groom - 2/3RM
Achieving her learning goals to write convincing persuasive texts.
Declaration for Child Related Work
It is a Child Protection requirement that the school gets all volunteers to complete the attached form. If you volunteer at the school, please either print the applicable form below or call into the office for a hard copy. Your assistance with this very important matter is greatly appreciated.