Senior Learning Community

Museums in Motion


On Monday 3/6/2024 students will showcase their Australian History learning by having a ‘Museum in Motions’ night. Students will be staying after school to prepare for this night. Students will be supervised by teachers and given a light snack. They are welcome to  bring extra snacks. The night will begin at 5.00pm and conclude at 6.00pm. 


Students are encouraged to dress up as either a character from colonial times e.g soldier, miner, explorer, Governor  or  as a character from their event in history which they have been researching. Costumes do not need to be purchased but rather clothes found from home.

The students have worked extremely hard on this Inquiry project and are excited to have as many people as possible come visit their museum. 


Winter Sport

Unfortunately the last two weeks of Winter Sport have been cancelled due to weather and other events.

Next Friday the 24th of May we are playing away at CAGS. Teams will be announced to the students on Monday. We will be walking to CAGS at 1pm.


Lions Public Speaking


Students have been asked to start thinking about our Lions public speaking activity. The topic is 'An Inspirational Person'. The students are to interview a person who is an inspiration to them. They are then to present that person and explain why they are inspired by them. They may be a member of your family, grandparent, local policeman/woman, firefighter, doctor, nurse, teacher, or a member of the community.

This should be a true account of the interview, not fictional.

Students will be presenting their speeches in week 8.