Foundation Learning Community

We have had another great few weeks in Foundation. The children have begun creating their own sentences to write and they have been amazing at this! We have been learning about patterns and have played a variety of maths games focusing on moving a certain number of spaces. 


If your child has been bringing home a reader for home practise we are hoping that the first few times reading this book they are using their chop and slide strategy to sound out the words. However, as they get closer to their next week's check in we would love to see them being able to read this reader fluently. Your child may bring home their reader for a second week to work on improving their fluency of that book. 

It would be fantastic if you could please write whatever activity your child completed at home in their home practise log book.


Through our History unit this term, the children have been learning all about themselves and their families. We have sent home a questioning sheet, where they need to ask an older member of their family questions so as to find out more information regarding their family history. If you could please help them complete this sheet and have your child return it by next Wednesday the 22nd then that would be greatly appreciated and will help your child participate in conversations and activities during our History lessons.


Important date to put in the calendar: Friday 21st June - Milo's Birthday Surprise!!!

On this day your child can come dressed up as one of Milo's friends (any of the animals that we have learnt). The costume can just be something that you have at home! If your child could also bring in a small plate of food to share for our party day that would also be amazing!