Other School News

Harmony Day Photos!
iFly: It will ‘blow’ your mind
On the 1st of May, the Aviation group departed to iFly near Melbourne Airport. Once there, we had a briefing on how the chamber worked. Once that was completed, the fun began.
Leaving at 9, and arriving at somewhere around 10, we then entered the waiting room, where we watched people glide around. Soon, it was our turn to go, but we were split in 2 groups, so 1 went first, then 2. I can assume for everyone who went that we were scared of the chamber. Something like this felt impossible to make, yet here it was. One by one, we went in, unsure of what was to happen. Once that was done, we watched our instructor show off his skills in the chamber. We then left from iFly, and went to Melbourne Airport to view planes land and take-off.
Analysing the planes was (I believe) the least of anyone’s worries though, as we mostly just enjoyed our food. Once we were satisfied enough, we then drove back to the school and went home, as we arrived right as the bell rang.
Steven Le – 7A – Aviation student
Mother's Day Lunch for Staff
Thank you Leanne Read and the Hospitality students for the delicious Mother’s Day lunch for the staff. Everyone enjoyed it, well done!!
Music Lessons for Term 2 are underway
Piano lessons are well underway for term 2 with
some students preparing to perform at the Westall Hub for the community café on Friday 17th May.
Year 7 students have also begun piano and flute lessons.
Komal a Year 7 student enjoying her first flute lesson
Aaron and Wilson practising for the Community Café performance.
Mrs McAlister
Music Teacher