PBIS Blitz

NEW - Term 2 Week 5 & 6 PBIS Blitz


Our PBIS blitz continues to be ‘Taking responsibility for our actions’.  

At St Mary’s we can say a simple saying...’DO L’.  You will see these posters in each classroom. 

DO L stands for: Don’t Blame Others, Own Your Actions, Learn to Avoid bad choices.


We asked some students what they thought ‘taking responsibility for your actions meant to them. - Here are some of their responses:


“You admit what you have done wrong”

“If someone asks you if you have done something wrong, you admit it instead of trying to get yourself out of it”

“Try not to blame others for something you may has started”

“Don’t make excuses to get out of trouble because you will get in more trouble”

“Tell the truth - you end up getting in more trouble if you lie”


Teachers are continuing to work with students in class about different ways they can take responsibility inside and outside the classroom.