Upcoming Dates & Events

Date Reminders

Term 2 - Monday 15th April - Friday 28th June

Term 3 - Monday 15th July - Friday 20th September

Term 4 - Commences Monday 7th October

Pupil Free Days

Monday 10th June - Kings Birthday Public Holiday

*Friday 21st June - Pupil Free (Staff First Aid Training)

2024 Dates to Remember

(Please check regularly dates are subject to change. *New* dates/events may also be added)




Wednesday 8th - Mothers Day Stall

Friday 10th - Mothers Day Mass and Morning Tea

*Friday 10th - Division Cross Country

Sunday 12th - Mothers Day

*Tuesday 14th - 5/6 Excursion to SheppartonHeritage Museum

Wednesday 15th - School Open Day 11.45am

*Wednesday 15th - Indigenous Family BBQ

*Friday 17th - Grade 5/6 Division Sports - Football, Netball, Soccer & Tee-Ball

Sunday 19th - Pentecost Sunday

*Tuesday 21st - Gr 5/6Excursion to Mooroopna Museum

Monday 27th - 31st - Reconciliation Week

Tuesday 28th - Sacrament of First Reconciliation

*Friday 31st - Reconciliation Week Breakfast 8-9am

*Friday 31st - Whole School Reconciliation Rally



Tuesday 4th - Book Fair

Wednesday 5th - World Environment Day

Monday 10th - Kings Birthday Public Holiday

Friday 14th - Regional Cross Country

Monday 17th - Friday 21st - Refugee Week

*Friday 21st - Pupil Free (Staff First Aid Training)

Save The Date 

 School Photos - 7th August


2024 Direct Debit Commencement Dates


Commenced Friday 1st March - Repeats weekly for 40 Payments

Fortnightly Schedule 1

Friday 8th March - repeats fortnightly for 20 payments

Fortnightly Schedule 2 

Friday  15th March - repeats fortnightly for 20 payments


Friday 29th March - repeats the last Friday of each Month.


Friday 28th March - repeat Quarterly x 4 payments

If Direct Debit is your preferred payment method, please ensure Authority form is returned to school office ASAP