Community News

New - Walk Safely To School Day

Friday 10th May is Walk Safely to School Day.

Visit the link below to find out more information.

Now in its 25th year, National Walk Safely to School Day (WSTSD) is an annual event when all Primary School children are encouraged to walk and commute safely to school. It is a Community Event seeking to promote Road Safety, Health, Public Transport and the Environment.

New - Kindergarten Registrations

Please find attached a flyer regarding Greater Shepparton City Council 2025 Kindergarten Registrations.


All Saints School Tours

You are warmly invited to visit our beautiful new campus.  We’d love to show and talk with you about our Prep to Year 4 Junior School and Years 5 to 7 Middle School. 

Our school tours will give you the chance to meet our Principal and other staff, ask questions and experience our thoughtfully designed modern campus.

Please use the link below to book a tour.


Shepparton Christian College Open Night

You are invited to our Open Day on Tuesday 14th May from 5.30pm - 6.30pm.

Please use the link below to book.

Shepparton Food Share

Shepparton Foodshare rescues and receives food donations to redistribute to people that need it most.  Food is distributed to registered emergency relief agencies, schools, neighbourhood houses, community meals programs and churches. The people supported include individuals, children, homeless, First Nations people and our culturally and linguistically diverse community, including new arrivals and refugees.

Foodshare not only plays an integral role in our region's daily food relief needs, it also plays an essential role during times of crisis and emergency and in the recovery after these events.

Click on the following link to view the latest newsletter and keep up to date on their events.

Undera The Stars


Youth Group

The group is supervised and parents are welcome to stay if they wish.

Saver Plus Back to School

What is Saver Plus?  

Saver Plus is a program for people on lower incomes. It’s about bolstering their financial skills, so they can develop (and keep) good savings habits.   

To help families start the year off a little easier, we are runnning a Back to School campaign to support parents to access an extra $500.  

If parents commit to saving up to $50 a month for 10 months, ANZ will match it with up to $500. Participants can put that money towards education costs for themselves or their children.  

And here are some school lunch box ideas...


Child Friendly Aquamoves Group Fitness

Aquamoves is excited to announce the introduction of Child Friendly Group Fitness Classes, starting 7 February 2024.

With a dedicated space in our group fitness studios, children can play while you workout nearby.

To learn more about the Child Friendly Group Fitness Classes, visit:

Shepparton School Uniforms Shop

Shepparton School Uniforms has moved into a brand new location. And is now known as - 

NOONE SHEPPARTON store located at:

2B/210 Corio St,

Shepparton, 3630

*Opposite Trelly’s Outdoor & Tackle world*

2024 Mooroopna Cats Auskick Registrations

2024 Auskick Registrations are Now Open!

This year Auskick will held on Friday afternoons from 5.30pm to 6.30pm on the main oval at the Mooroopna Recreation Reserve, the season has commenced, however if you would still like to for Auskick, head to and search for Mooroopna under 'Find A Centre' or head to our Auskick Mooroopna Facebook Page for more information.



The Family Haven

Mooroopna Lions Club

What does the Mooroopna Lions Club do?

We’re a group of like-minded people who jump in when issues arise, to serve the needs of our local community.

*  We help when there’s a natural disaster like the recent floods

*  We help out at major events, providing BBQ’s etc

*  We help community members in need

We’re looking for Lions Club VOLUNTEERS!

We understand it’s not easy for people to commit to becoming service club members due to the challenges of busy lives, SO we’re looking for people who can simply volunteer with us when they have the time.

What does being a Lions Club VOLUNTEER involve?

You will be placed on a Volunteer Register, which means:

You can choose to help out on an ad hoc or semi-regular basis

*  You’ll only be called in emergency situations or when we need extra help.

*  If you’re unavailable to help when you’re called, that’s okay.

*  You don’t need to become a Lions Club member or attend meetings.

If you’re interested or want to know more:


T: 0408  577  508


Resilience in Recovery

If you haven't heard about this program, Resilience in Recovery is a community-led, Government assisted team. 

The teams main goal is to provide assistance in community-led recovery with government support. The Flood Recovery team strives to help communities become sustainable, resilient, and better able to withstand future disasters.

eNews is now available and can be accessed by subscribing via the following link.

Reminder about tonights meeting -


More information can be found through the Facebook page -

Goulburn Valley Health

Priority Primary Care Centre at 49 Graham Street Shepparton (opposite the Hospital) provides free urgent medical treatment when you cant see your GP.

Contact - 58233132

Mooroopna Park - 'Their Care' After School Care

Their Care - After School Care is currently being run from Mooroopna Park Primary School and will soon be also running from Mooroopna Primary School.  

They offer a variety of activities and outdoor play. The children will have afternoon tea offered to them during the program.

For further information  please contact program coordinator -  1300 072 410

or Shae Barrette, Education Support,

Mooroopna Primary School

Ph - (03) 5825 2060

Vacancies in both before and afterschool care.

Before & After School Care

Christine Parker is a registered carer and available for Before/After School Care. 

Please contact Christine Parker on 0428 253 930 for further information or to make a booking enquiry.


Catholic Care - Family Wellbeing Support Service

The Family Wellbeing Support Service is a preventative outreach support service to help families better deal with life transitions and challenges. We provide a FREE, flexible support service that enhances resilience, health and wellbeing for families. 

Attached you will find information about our service and the programs we offer.


Italian Classes


Berry Street - Supporting Parents after Separation program

Berry Street in Shepparton run a FREE program to parents who are separated or going through a separation. The program can be completed over Zoom or face to face at the Shepparton Office. Parents can self-refer using the below  online link, and an information flyer is attached.

Berry Street - Kinship Support & Social Group