Parents & Friends

2023 Committee

President - Vanessa Sleeth, Vice President/Secretary - Laura Church, Treasurer - Michael DeMaria, Public Relations Officer - Currently Vacant,  Communications - Anita Gray, School Rep - Ann Margaret Carroll, General Committee Members - Jess Church,  Alena Ratcliffe, Chelsea Crawford, Celeste Prygoda, Gemma De Penning, Hannah Crawford and Matt Ryan. 


Parents & Friends in Term 2


We held our annual AGM recently and were very pleased to have welcomed three new members to our P & F for 2024 – welcome Gemma De Penning, Hannah Crawford and Matt Ryan. 

Committee Members - President - Vanessa Sleeth; Vice President/Secretary - Laura Church; Treasurer - Mick DeMaria; Communications - Anita Gray;  General Committee - Jess Church, Chelsea Anderson, Celeste Prygoda; Alena Ratcliffe, Gemma DePenning, Hannah Crawford; Staff Representative - Ann-Margaret Carroll; Administration Support - Amber Feehan / Naomi Egglestone


New - Planned Events - Term 2

We have some exciting events planned for Term 2 with a school bakery lunch, our annual Pie Drive and our Mother’s Day stall. Please complete our volunteers form if you are able to assist with P&F fundraising events. 

Watch this space for further information.

Updated - Mother's Day Stall 

Thank you to all our helpers who assisted with serving and wrapping gifts for our Mothers Day Stall Today.

Students attended the stall with their class and their was a great deal of excitement & chatter about choosing a gift for their someone special. 

Thank you to Mick De Maria for coordinating this event.

Looking forward to a wonderful term with our P&F.


Vanessa Sleeth

President, Parents and Friends.

M 0400 922 441

NEW - Upcoming Dates

Bakery Lunch - TBA

Pie Drive - TBA