Principal's Report

 Principal - Julie Hommelhoff 

Assistant Principal - Matt Saunders


What a wonderful week was had at Echuca Twin Rivers Primary School with the 2025 Prep Information Day / Night Tours and session, our Special Person's Day, Mothers Day Stall, the staff learning day centred around The 6:1 Writing Traits, 5/6 Market Day to Echuca College and Hands On Learning starting again. Inter-school Sports will continue on Fridays for our 5/6 teams of which will be joined by Moama Grammar and Rochester PS. The extra-curricular activities are providing a real 'buzz' for our students and it is nice to see so many parents/families joining in. 

3/4 swimming is coming up. ESS Day will be celebrated this week to acknowledge the tremendous commitment, support and programs our Education Support Personal carry out every day. Education Week saw our students gather in Multi-age groups and complete a fun activity together. Truly amazing and engaging programs. 

A huge thank you goes out to our staff, parents and community for helping make great things happen at ETRPS. We could not do these things without your support. 

You will see our new signs being placed around the school. Hopefully they catch your eye. 






Exciting news; ETRPS has been awarded a Silver Award for implementing and extending the essential features of Tier 1 School-wide Positive Behaviour Support with fidelity. We are extremely dedicated to providing a positive climate for our staff and students to be a part of every day. Congratulations Team! 



Reminder: COVID Update

COVID is appearing once again in our community. 

Please: Students and staff who have tested positive stay home for 5 days and recover. 


Respect, Inclusion, Responsibility, Resilience, (Academic Excellence)  


Have a great weekend. 


Julie Hommelhoff      
