Senior School

Happy Mother's Day

To all the Mum's, Step-Mums, Grandma's, Great Grandma's out there on Mother's Day. To all the foster parents, the sisters, aunties and friend, that help to raise us - we say Happy Mother's Day. To those in our community who aren't or can't be with their mum today,  we hope you capture a quiet moment to reflect and pay tribute to the incredible person your mum was. You too are in our thoughts today.


Since we last wrote, the students of Grade 5 and 6 have been actively learning and reflecting on their current understandings. 


In Writing, we have presented our Information Texts about our research on ANZAC Day and related topics. A highlight from a few students has been investigating their family history on the National Archives of Australia Website. It has been an eye opening experience for students to see and read, historic artefacts about their own families. For those families interested you can begin your search at


Cross Country

A big congratulations to all students who gave their personal best in the recent Cross Country Trials. It was pleasing to see  fair play, integrity and spirit amongst all the competitors. It was a fantastic event and we thank all the parents and carers who came to support the students and a BIG, BIG, BIG, thank you to Mrs Kenny for organising the event.


To the 37 Grade 5 and 6 Students, Good luck, we know you will do your best!



Year 6 to Year 7 Transition


A reminder that all secondary school applications (Government and Independent Schools) need a  completed application form and returned by TODAY (Friday 10 May 2024.)


Year 7 placement is decided by secondary schools using the Department’s Placement Policy. However, all communication about your child's placement must be with the Year 6 Coordinator (Mr Smith) until the placement is confirmed.


You will receive notification of your child's Year 7 placement offer on Wednesday 17 July 2024.


All government secondary schools will host a Year 7 Orientation Day (for Year 6 students) on Tuesday 10 December 2024.


Camp Marysville

This years Grade 5/6 camp is to Camp Marysville,  is from Monday 26 August to Wednesday 28 August. Camp Marysville offers a unique range of educational, fun and local interactive activities, from mountain bike riding and canoeing activities to cooking and initiative activities.

The expected cost for the camp is going to be between $430 and $450 depending on the number of students that attend.

To enable us to calculate the final costs we are asking that you pay a $50 deposit to confirm that your child will be coming on camp. Medical forms, dietary requirements and lists of items to bring will be sent out half way through Term 2. All information in on COMPASS

Payment plans will be available once final costing is calculated.