Principal's Report

Is it really May already?! 

It was a busy end to term 1, with year 5 and 3 students completing NAPLAN, grade 6 taking part in a beach program, Harmony Day where everyone came to school wearing some orange and all topped off with a wonderful Easter Bonnet Parade. Students came to school on the last day wearing some brilliantly constructed hats and were treated to a special visit by the Easter Bunny himself! 

Last week, students participated in some ANZAC day activities and our year 6 leaders led us through a tribute on Wednesday afternoon. Well done to everyone on your participation and acknowledgement of this important day. 


Photos and videos from these special events pop up as they occur on our official Facebook and Instagram Page. If you are not on Facebook, you can create an account and follow our school without needing to create any public profile for yourself. It is a great way to see real-time photos and videos of what is happening.  


Thank you to our wonderful parents and neighbours who were quick to offer support and assistance this week when one of our students was involved in a collision outside the school. I am pleased to report that everyone involved is fine. It was exciting for many students to see an ambulance and police car with lights flashing outside, but I understand it can also be something concerning for some people, particularly if they were close by or witness to the incident. If any students have been impacted by this event and would like additional support at school, please get in touch so that we can have our wellbeing team provide this. 


It is a timely reminder for all of us to slow down around school zones when in our cars and to remind students that they should always cross at a marked crossing and be very careful when crossing roads. Unfortunately cars do not always stop for pedestrians. To bring some more attention to this, we will be acknowledging the National Walk Safely to School Day next Friday the 10th May.  


Walk Safely to School Day is an annual campaign and event which encourages all primary school children, their parents and carers, to walk safely and regularly to school. The objectives of the National Walk Safely to School Day are: better health, cleaner air, reduced car-dependency, improved road safety and increased use of public transport.  If you are driving from further away, consider parking a few streets away from the school and walking the last block or two. 


Staff members will be outside the gates to welcome and congratulate our walkers on the day and hand out some Walk Safely to School tattoos and stickers. Why not have your child get together with their friends and all walk to school in a group - a walking school bus! This is great for both their physical and social health. 

A reminder that until they are 10, children should always hold an adult's hand when crossing the road. Particularly where there are no crossing supervisors. 

We recently had two new storage containers delivered. This was the cause of much excitement as the truck unloaded one of the containers at recess behind the portables. The students watched on in amazement as the tilt truck unloaded the container! These containers will enable us to move much of our storage and archives out of spaces that we can use for our additional programs, allied health and intervention staff. 


You may also have noticed how wonderful the front corner of our school is now looking with our sensory garden area almost complete. The concrete tunnels are to be painted and students will be having some input into this in weeks to come! It should not be too long before the plants and grass have established themselves enough for students to begin utilising this area at recess and lunch times. 


A reminder to any families with younger children due to start school next year, that enrolments are now open and we encourage you to get your enrolment forms in quickly. 



Hello, Courtenay Gardens Primary School community! 

I am thrilled to be introduced as the 2024 school council president taking over the role from Tripti who did an amazing job in 2023

I aim to bring enthusiasm and positivity to CGPS while also maintaining our STAR values. In my professional life I am a Consumer Insights Manager for a global tool company and have many years of experience working with behavioural analytics and customer data. In my personal life I am married to an amazing wife who also teaches in secondary school, and together we have 2 children - we live very close to CGPS and you might often see me walking our fluffy cavoodle dog in the neighbourhood. 

Growing up as a first generation Greek-Australian, I understand and value the importance of learning and am dedicated to fostering a nurturing and inspiring learning environment for our students.

Feel free to say hello or share your ideas and suggestions with me.

Here's to a fantastic school year ahead with the CGPS community!

Warm regards,

Peter Nanos


Please be sure to say hi to Pete if you see him around the school. Our School Council play a very important role in assisting me to govern the school effectively and in accordance with department policy. 




Mrs Anna-Lina Nita has found a teaching role closer to her home which will enable her to spend more time with her young family. We wish Mrs Nita all the best for this change. 

While we finalise our recruitment processes to find a new teacher, 3E will be taught by one of our regular casual relief teachers, Ms McCrimmon, who knows the students well as she has taught them for two days a week this term. We hope to have a new permanent teacher appointed within the next few weeks. 


Take care everyone, 


Alison Lough
