Library News

Kids Lit Quiz

During the last week of last term Maeve, Penelope, Emma and Isabelle from Year 8 represented our school at the Kids Lit Quiz. It was a tough competition and they placed in the middle of the field. Thank you to our team for their wonderful effort and participation in this event.

Writers Day Out

Also in the last week of last term we had our annual Writers Day Out excursion. This year we undertook a writing workshop using the photography collection of the State Library Qld and then explored the Fairy Tales exhibit at GOMA to stimulate our own creative writing.

Manga Extravaganza

Last week Alistair from Zombster came out to visit with some new Manga volumes for students to peruse and vote on. There were some obviously popular choices (eg. Demon Slayer) and hopefully in the next week or two once we have finalised our order you will see your choices on the Manga shelf. Stay Tuned!