Middle Learning Community
A busy week in the MLC, we congratulate all the students who competed in the school's cross country event. You all gave 110% effort and encouraged and supported your peers wonderfully! We also congratulate the Year 4 students on their beautiful assembly prayer this morning to celebrate all the special women in our lives.
Year 4 Religion Term 2
This term in Year 4 we have some of our students completing their Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. During this term in our religion lessons in class all students will be learning about the sacraments. Also from Week 5 on Wednesday one of our lessons will involve all students in year 4 going to Mass each week on Wednesday at 9:30am leading up to the celebration of the Sacraments in Week 10. When we come back from Mass we will be learning about the different parts of Mass in class. This is a wonderful opportunity for all students to learn more about going to Mass and supporting their peers as they prepare for this special celebration of their Confirmation and Eucharist.
If you have any questions regarding this please do not hesitate to contact Jodi Sefton, Mary Hyde or Georgia Kerr.
Returning of Sacramental Forms
We are hoping to have all of the Sacramental Forms returned to school by the end of next week. These were the forms that were given out at the Sacramental Meeting on Wednesday the 17th of April. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Year 4 teachers, Mary and Georgia.
Start of Sacramental Groups
Families with students completing their Sacraments, this week you should have received an email detailing the start of the Sacramental after school groups. They will begin in week 5 and at your designated time and day. If you have any questions about these groups or are unable to attend the first session please contact the Year 4 teachers, Mary and Georgia.