Principal's Report

A message from the Principal

School Newsletter 

Principal’s Message

Term 2 2024 – First Edition


The start of Term 2 has been very positive, with staff and students returning after the holiday break feeling refreshed and energised. It has been wonderful to see our students focused on their learning and demonstrating an increased commitment to study, as we progress further into the school year. Our Year 12 students, who in essence have only this term and the next to complete their final year of study, are proving to be a very studious and dedicated cohort of learners. We are all very proud of the diligent approach they are taking.


The Term 2 school calendar is always jam-packed with whole-school events, excursions and performances and I look forward to seeing so many of our parents throughout this term. Last week I had the privilege of attending the ANZAC Day Ceremony at the Kokoda Memorial Park with the School Captains, Ainsley and Charlotte and Abdelmuman of Year 11, who has been awarded the Bruce Kingsbury Scholarship for 2024. Abdelmuman presented his award winning poem at the ceremony, which was incredibly powerful and moving.

Ainsley and Charlotte at the Ceremony
Abdelmuman has been awarded the Bruce Kingsbury Scholarship
Ainsley and Charlotte at the Ceremony
Abdelmuman has been awarded the Bruce Kingsbury Scholarship


We have the Parent/Teacher Interviews taking place next week on Wednesday 8th May and have created a hybrid approach to the interviews, to cater to the needs of all of our families. Parents who are able to come onsite to meet with your child’s teachers can do so from 1pm until 5.30pm. 

For those who are unable to come to the school, you can book an online interview using Webex from 6.10pm to 8pm. I encourage all parents to make an appointment to see your child’s teachers, as the partnership between the school and our families is critical to ensure our young people achieve success at school.


Stage 2 of the re-building of Reservoir High School is progressing well. This stage incorporates a new state-of-the-art Science and Technology Wing and a new Canteen. The build will be completed by late November of this year and will provide our students with outstanding learning spaces as they engage in scientific inquiry and be immersed in technologically rich learning. To enable the demolition of the old Canteen and complete the building of the new spaces, a temporary Canteen will be established in the old Food Technology Kitchen in the B Block. Further information about this will be communicated through Compass next week. 


The first few weeks of this term has been a productive beginning of what I am sure will be another successful Term 2 for Reservoir High School. 


Katie Watmough
