A Message from Parents & Friends

Hi everyone,
Fundraising for 2024: big screen and speakers under Gumbuya
Well that Term went fast and now we’re already at the end of April and the cooler weather is upon us. It was a busy term and term 2 is set to be no different with lots of exciting things happen, bringing our community together and fundraising for our 2024 goal. We’re delighted to announce that we raised a total of $5,290.01 in term 1. Thank you to everyone in our community for the support.
Here’s an update on Term 1 and what’s coming up!
Term One
- Harmony Week Bake Sale: Gosh we sure love cake at Altona Green! Thank you to everyone who baked all the delicious treats we had at our bake sale - it was probably our biggest yet and thank you to everyone who came along and purchased items. Your support meant we raised a total of $1416.15 towards our screen and sound system. A huge thank you to Leanne and the volunteers who helped organise and sell on the day!
- Hot Cross Bun Drive: Easter for many has been and gone and we would like to thank you all who bought a batch or two of hot cross buns. We raised a total of $359.50 towards our fundraising goal. A big thank you to Fiona for organising and her team of distributors.
- Easter Raffle: Not only do we love cake here at Altona Green, it also seems we love chocolate too! We raised a massive $669.50 from everyone who purchased a raffle ticket. Big thank you to Meagan for organising this!
- Friday Treats: Term 1 saw us sell soooo many icy poles as the weather was so fine! We raised $923.20. Thank you to all our Friday lunch volunteers.
Term Two
- Community Cookbook 2024: We’re still experiencing some delays with this, but we will be in a better position to update you on when we will commence sales on this.
- Mother’s/ Special Person’s Day Stall - Tuesday 7th May: A group of parents have been busy in the background selecting and putting together a fab stall for children to purchase items for their special people. All items will be $5 and each child will be able to purchase on the day 2 items each should they wish. Thank you to Leanne and Fiona for sourcing the items for these and putting a wonderful selection together.
- If you wish to help on the stall, you can sign up to volunteer here: https://signup.com/go/NAryeRX
- Mother’s/ Special Persons Day Event - Friday 10th May: This year, all of us mums and volunteers get to put our feet up whilst Dads and other special people organise this event for us. If you’re planning on attending, details will follow very soon, but we would recommend planning from being at school from lunch right through till the end of the day. We do know they will be selling tasty treats, which will need to be pre-ordered!
- Dads and non-special people - please check this link to see how you can help. https://signup.com/go/NAryeRX - It takes a tribe, remember!
- Subway Special Lunch - Thursday 6th June: Please make note that you get a day off from making lunches and ordering a Subway on this date. Further details will be coming out in early May.
- Parents & Friends: Our next meeting is Friday 3rd May at 9am - we’re meeting in the Team Kids room. We really look forward to welcoming you - it’s good to have a wide variety of our community attend - and guess what there is usually cake!
We’re absolutely thrilled to announce our School Fete in 2025.
Yes that’s right, planning has already commenced for this event! We know how much this is loved by the AGPS and wider community. Please keep an eye out how you can become part of the organising committee with details being sent via Compass shortly.
But make sure you mark it in your calendars!
Have a great weekend!
Parents & Friends Committee