Student of the Week

Student of the Week

Week Two

ClassStudent Reason
FoundationBraxton PalmerFor being a super speller!!! Braxton has been sounding out words perfectly and putting them together! You are a superstar!
1/2SJordan Fitzpatrick  For your caring and thoughtfulness towards all students and teachers.  It is such a pleasure to have your smiling face in class every day.  Oh - and you are also a champion learner who is super clever and works with the best effort always.  
3/4BVBennett BallFor always being a responsible and focused learner. Bennett always listens attentively, contributes to discussions and is a wonderful role model of expected classroom behaviours. 
5/6DFHudson TimmermansFor the enthusiasm and interest he showed during all activities and experiences on 5/6 camp. Hudson was polite and respectful, and asked meaningful questions when meeting different workers and presenters at Sovereign Hill. Well done, Hudson! 
5/6TLiam PorterFor the renewed resilience Liam has been bringing to his learning.  He  has demonstrated concentration and persistence and a good natured willingness to ‘have a go’ and stretch his comfort zone.  No wonder he was awarded Camper of the Year at Sovereign Hill Camp.
SportHenry PriceFor his participation and contribution to his team in our games session in P.E.  He is improving his reflexes and mobility while catching and throwing the ball in dodgeball games.  Excellent game play Henry!
JapaneseAnnabelle LawrieWhat a great effort for your first week back in Term 2. You have made and tried so many Japanese classroom phrases from the worksheet. I was so thrilled to hear you speaking and your pronunciation was very clear. Well done.
STEAMFinley PlunkettFor being dedicated and focused during STEAM sessions! He listened attentively to all the instructions and created a magnificent self-portrait.  His work is nothing short of amazing! Keep up the fantastic work!


Week Three

ClassStudent Reason
FoundationLexie BoffFor sounding out words and blending them together to read familiar and unfamiliar words! Lexie has done so well with her reading that she has passed level 1!! Awesome work Lexie!
1/2SDarcie Lever You are showing such improvement with your resilience and ability to bounce back when you face a challenge. I am so proud of how well you are doing in the classroom and at play times, what a superstar. 
3/4BVLiliana PayetFor being an exceptional role model on our PBL focus this week: listening to instructions. Liliana always listens attentively to the teacher and her peers, following all instructions, or asking for help if she needs clarification on what to do. Keep it up, Liliana!
5/6DFIsabella TranFor always being prepared to begin tasks straight away, with her books and stationary organised and ready to go. Thank you, Izzy! 
5/6TSophie PyeFor her fantastic attitude - Sophie brings a positive vibe to everything she does, from working responsibly during class to joking around at playtime.  She’s willing to have a go at almost anything and is always putting her hand up to volunteer.  Way to go Sophie!
SportHudson WotherspoonFor the skills he displayed in soccer, controlling the ball with his feet and accurately kicking for goal.  Also for his positive attitude to doing his best and helping his team whether they were winning or losing.  Excellent work Hudson.
STEAMJoe BradshawThroughout our drawing unit, he consistently put in hard work and effort into each art piece. His self-portrait, using all the art elements we've practiced, reflects his commitment to learning and his creative abilities. Joe, what an outstanding effort. Well done!