News from 5/6

Inquiry - Museums in Motion
For our Inquiry unit this term, the 5/6s will be researching the events and people who shaped our past, including the Frontier Conflict, The Eureka Rebellion and so on. The students will be constructing a diorama and then performing as a historical character. Parents will be invited to attend our Museum in Motion in Week 11. Further details to come!
Children are requested to bring a shoebox (or similar) to construct their diorama.
ANZAC Ceremony
Next Wednesday, the Year 6s will be attending the school's ANZAC ceremony at the Upper Yarra RSL. This year, St Joseph's have the role of hosts. Our school captains Matthew and Danica will be leading the ceremony with other students reading some prayers. This event is also open to parents and families to attend.
Transition to High School
You will have received an invitation via Operoo about a transition session to high school at Upper Yarra Secondary College. We are taking all Grade 5/6 students. This is a valuable activity for all students to become more familiar with High School life. Later in the year, we will take all students to Mt Lilydale.
New homework sheets have gone home this week. You will notice that there is space to record multiplication and division fact practice. We cannot emphasise enough how important this practice is in developing fluency. Maths class can be very difficult for students in senior years if they do not know their multiplication facts.
In Class
In Maths at the moment we are learning to add, subtract and find equivalent fractions. We will be moving into decimals soon.
In Literacy we are still reading our novel War Horse, but our focus is on using persuasive language to express our point of view.
Our focus in RE is on Sacraments. We are currently looking at the imagery evident in Confirmation Symbols.