News from Three/Four

Lest we Forget
This week Year 3/4 students created a display to commemorate Anzac Day. We discussed the significance of the poppy and why it is used for Anzac Day and Remembrance Day. Students created their own poppies and displayed them on sticks collected from around the school. The display is quite effective and the students are very proud of their work.
PBL - Listening to and following teacher instructions
This week our PBL lesson has been focusing on listening to and following instructions.
In 3/4 we have had many great discussions around how difficult it can be to listen to and follow instructions. We discussed strategies for this and identified some of the blockers to listening. Here is what we discussed:
- other children talking - This can prevent us from hearing the instructions and not being able to remember what we need to do
- being distracted - sometimes our friends can joke around and we muck around too. This stops us from listening
- sometimes we cannot hold too many instructions in our head - our brains fill up and some parts of the instructions fall out.
We participated in a very interesting activity which focused on us listening to instructions once and then following them to create an alien. Here are some of our completed pictures.
Maths and Measuring long distances
This week we have been using trundle wheels to investigate and measure long distances.
We learnt that trundle wheels are a sort of measurement device. They are used for large distances like for a basketball court instead of using a 30 cm ruler. It makes it 10 times easier. (Amelia, Noah, Will and Archer)
We learnt that every click is one metre (1m) We measured distances of 17m, 28.98m and 22m on the basketball court. (Henry, Zac, Oli, Bennett)
We learnt that every click makes a metre. It is easier to measure a perimeter with a trundle wheel and it is good to measure long distances.We measure the measurements of 29m, 24m and 15m. (Cooper, Parker V, Joe)
We learnt how to use a trundle wheel by making sure you start on start. We loved using it. (Liliana, Parker H, Quinn, Blake)
We learnt to measure using a trundle wheel for long distances. We used it for the basketball and inside. (Marlee, Maddi, Leo and Jayden)
A trundle wheel needs to be at the start line to measure. A trundle wheel is a tape measure on a wheel. You need to remember how many clicks you hear to measure the distance. (Arlo, Harry, Lacey)
Paired Reading
In 3/4 we have been reading in pairs, practising our fluency, expression and volume. We have been reading Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo.