Student Wellbeing

Mrs Rebecca Beveridge

Wow three weeks go by so fast! It was wonderful to hear how Resilient our students were, attending school camp! For many of them, this was their first camp!! It was so amazing to hear how much fun they all had! So what has been happening in the Wellbeing space this term so far?


PBL (Positive Behaviours for Learning)

This term we have already covered and explicitly taught the students:

  • Being Responsible on the playground
  • Being Responsible and following the teachers instructions

These two areas were chosen as an area that we needed to work on collectively. The lessons involve the students discussing and explaining the types of behaviours and actions desired to be Responsible in those areas. Classes then participate in an activity that consolidates this knowledge and understanding.


Here are some wonderful posters from the F/1/2's on how to be Responsible on the playground!



PSA: SAVE THE DATE for our upcoming Wellbeing fun/PBL information night on Monday 3rd June! (More info to come)



The REACH Foundation Incursion 

The REACH Foundation came out and ran a session for the grade 5/6 students talking about stepping out of their comfort zones and making connections with other people within the class. The students learned new skills about their peers and made connections to many others. It was a wonderful experience for all the students.

Sophie Pye

On Tuesday 23rd of April, we had fern and Jack members of Reach come to visit the grade 5/6 class


Fern and jack were really nice and we played some games.

Jack also showed us his amazing drawing skills.


We had a lot of fun! :)


Millie Moors


On Tuesday we had two people come from reach and we played games. They would ask us questions and we had to step in or step out.


And it was really fun :]



Danica De Boer

They told us to be honest, and step in and out and we did some awesome games. Fern and jack did very well





Upcoming Incursion

Brainstorm productions: Monday 17th May for the whole school

We will be engaging with the performance: Sticks and Stones which is a fun and inclusive student wellbeing program for primary schools that reinforces positive relationships and supports vulnerable children to build confidence and social and emotional skills. 

When things go wrong at home, at school or online, Toby’s body goes into fight/flight. He feels angry, frightened and confused by messages from peers, family, video games and YouTube. Toby responds in the only way he knows how – with aggression and antisocial behaviour. When Toby meets Joe, he learns to be assertive and respect boundaries. He deals with negative online experiences by reporting and telling an adult, and learns more positive ways to deal with anger: he stops, breathes, puts his hands in his pockets, walks away and talks about his feelings. Toby cooperates with other kids to create a circus routine with acrobatics and juggling. 


Sticks & Stones is designed to complement your school’s existing programs, engage students in discussions and facilitate further learning in the classroom. It encourages positive connections cooperation, impulse control and respect. Brainstorm Productions is listed as an evidence-based program on the Victorian Schools Mental Health Menu.  Brainstorm is also endorsed by the eSafety Commissioner as a Trusted eSafety Provider.


There are other F/1/2/3/4 wellbeing incursions that will be happening this year, we are just waiting on receiving confirmation.