From the Principal 

Our Vision

Each child has a gift or talent. It is our job to find it and to show it to them.

Our Mission

Identify the talent, develop the confidence and create the leader.


 What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?

ANZAC Day Ceremony

On Wednesday April 24, students, staff and parents gathered at the reflection garden at the front of the school. The students led the important ceremony with confidence. Their clear and poignant messages pulled at heartstrings. All students and staff planted a poppy in the garden bringing colour and a sense of new life around the lone soldier statue and ode plaque. 


Mother’s Day Stall

The Social and Fundraising team did an outstanding job providing a range of quality gifts for students to purchase. Staff members also purchased gifts. The activity raised over $2000, which will go towards the construction of a fence, to allow our chickens to enjoy the outdoors. The Student Lighthouse requested the fence as they did the whole concept of chickens and the chicken palace. The students and staff thank the team of parents for their planning, management and time.



Construction works are well underway with all ramps being modified or replaced. All sections are fenced and spread across the school. We anticipate the project will be completed by the June-July school holidays period. This is a significant injection of government funding, which is making the school a safer and more attractive place.


Air Conditioners

Installation and security caging is complete. All classrooms including the hall now have efficient and modern split systems to ensure a comfortable learning environment for all students. At a cost of more than $150,000, the Department of Education is showing that it is committed to the continual improvement and upgrade of the school’s facilities, for which we are grateful. 


Garden Bed

The garden bed at the front of the school will be re-established over the coming weeks. Plants and covering will blend with the theme already started around the main school entrance. Step by step we are purposefully improving the yard to make it stimulating and welcoming.


Leadership Morning

On Tuesday, our students welcomed 37 parents and grandparents. Students and staff shared how they use the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People at school and home. Becky Blakey shared her experience as a parent, and how she and her children have benefited from the Leader in Me strategy. The choir, band, singing trio, and solo instrumentalists performed. Senior students led the Acknowledgement of Country in Auslan. At all levels, students eagerly articulated and demonstrated how they use the 7 Habits and effective tools such as the Emotional Bank Account and the Circle of Influence. The morning concluded with morning tea. It was a celebration of the good we do, as a team with vision and hope.


St Kilda Footballers

This week the students were treated with a visit of St Kilda football players. The group spoke to the students, giving an overview of what they do. Autographs were given as the students lined up to meet and chat with the special guests. 



The school’s website is currently being restructured and updated. As stated earlier in the year, we aim to have the platform stimulating and current by the end of this term. A major change will be around the curriculum and instructional models.


Keeping Emails Short

Periodically I remind the community about the scope and frequency of emails. Emails are a convenient mode of communication between parents and teachers. Communication via email is manageable for teachers when messages are short and to the point, and not frequently. Currently teachers are receiving multiple lengthy emails daily, and often sent by the same parents, multiple times per week. Each day, in the classroom and yard, teachers manage 100s of negative and positive interactions between students. This is the reality of schooling, the place where children are practising and learning to socialise and synergise 1:1, as members of a class, cohort and whole school. Minor hic-cups in the tapestry of children’s social and emotional interactions are necessary for growth. When interactions are a concern, the teacher will contact parents. The staff will read emails between 8.30am and 5.00pm and briefly respond to minor issues within 24 hours. Parent concerns regarding their child’s safety need to be discussed with the teacher in person, and an appointment can be scheduled by contacting the office on 9583 8342, or by emailing the teacher directly with a brief request to meet. 


Key Takeaways from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

Implementing the seven habits can help us enhance our effectiveness.


Manage your time well.

Time management isn’t about managing time. It’s about managing yourself. Plan, set goals, and review both regularly to stay adaptable and forward-looking. 


Be responsible for your actions.

Take ownership of your life and decisions. How you respond to situations, even if they seem unfair or unexpected, determines the course of your life.


Recognise your biases. 

No two people view a situation the same. Your perspective is simply the view you are conditioned to have. Recognize that another person’s reality is just as valid to them as yours is to you.


Start small.

Big changes are preceded by small, consistent ones. Public victories, which get you praised on social media, are typically built on small private victories. So, change your perspective to reflect that, and then spend time building habits that add value to your life. This is the only way to get the results you seek. 


Invest in yourself.

Make it a habit to prioritize your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health. It is your greatest asset and the most powerful tool to build the life you want.


Thought for the week

Trust is the glue of life. It's the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It's the foundational principle that holds all relationships.


Warm regards,

George Danson