Wellbeing with 

Mrs Webber 

Name it and Tame it!

When we name an emotion, it helps tame the emotion. We are learning a lot about emotions, what they mean, feel like and ‘look like’. 

Being able to identify what emotion we are feeling and express that emotion in a safe and appropriate way, for example, “I am feeling frustrated” or “I am very excited” allows us to tame those emotions so that we can think clearly and make good or better decisions.  

Although feeling sad, worried, angry etc aren’t particularly pleasant emotions to experience, actively listening to the children (listening without rushing to fix or change the emotion) allows them to come up with coping strategies to help themselves feel better. It also builds resilience. 












Do you want to help your child break free from anxiety and worry? Fear-Less Triple P Online can help. Developed by the trusted experts at the Triple P - Positive Parenting Program, this online program is jam-packed with proven strategies to help you understand anxiety and support your child to become more emotionally resilient. It’s one of several Triple P online parenting programs available now, at no cost! 

Learn more at www.triplep-parenting.net.au