Amazing 5/6

What have we been up to?

After a busy first 2 weeks of swimming, it has been pleasing to see how the kids have adjusted back to the routine of daily school life. As a cohort we have adopted a number of new procedures in the morning to help our students transition quickly and quietly to the classroom and get ready to start their day. We are continuing to support them in how they interact with each other in a positive and empathetic way. Our Leader in Me program is shifting into the effect our actions and behaviours can have on others.

Every morning, we start our day running laps, but this term we have a goal of running to the Paris Olympics one lap at a time. Altogether we need to run 16,781 laps this term and next to reach our goal.

Homework has started again for the term and the expectations for completion and the quality has increased. We ask that you continue to support your child to develop a routine for their homework and find a process that works for them (and you). 


Looking forward in our learning:

Morpheme Magic:

This term our spelling program is focusing on the entomology of words, particularly how a base word can be grown using prefixes and suffixes and how building these words helps with the complexity of our sentences and the maturity of our synonym choices. Our focus for the next 2 weeks is prefixes that create opposites.


In Literacy we are focusing on the structure and purpose of autobiographies and the language and formality used to inform the target audience. Over the next two weeks we will be exploring the structure that an autobiography must follow, including the importance of sub-headings to break our work into sections and how our word choice affects the tone and formality of a specific autobiography.


In Maths, students will be continuing to focus on the four mathematical operations this fortnight, transitioning from addition and subtraction in the next 2 weeks. 


From the Students:

Hi my name is Scarlett, and I’m a leader in art.

Hi my name is Marie, and I am a leader in sport.

In the last 2 weeks in 5/6B, we have been practising winter school sport. The sports are Softball (our team), Netball and Soccer. Everyone had a great first week of sport.


In Maths, we have been doing maths groups; in maths groups we are split up throughout the 3, 4, 5 and 6s, and we have been learning different parts of addition in each group.


In Literacy, we have been learning about biographies and figuring out the text structure and how to write one; for example, biographies contain the title, body and conclusion and MUST be true.


In laps, we are trying to make it to the Olympics in Paris. We have 16,781 laps to run by the end of the term. 


Thank you for reading!


Scarlett  and Marie 


Teacher Contact Information

If there are any queries please feel free to contact one of us:

Nick Duckett

Maddie Simos

Sam Boontjes

Gemma Baker


A few happy snaps from the past 2 weeks:

Zara and Jaxon with Lucky the budgie in 5/6A

Arjun at his Anzac Day commemoration

The mighty Girls Netball team