Fantastic 3/4

Term 2 Week 5 2024 


What have we been up to? 

This Term, the students are beginning to read the novel Misery Guts by Morris Gleitzman. We have read the first two chapters and have been making some very interesting predictions about what we think will happen next. We have also begun our Write 2 Learn program which focuses on helping students develop a strong understanding of sentence structure. This term students will be focussing on writing information texts. We have begun by looking at the Angler fish and finding out some great information that could be used in an information text. Students have also continued their learning through the Morpheme Magic program by building their knowledge of word origins and different suffixes and prefixes used in common and uncommon words. 

Over the past fortnight in our maths class, students have been expanding their knowledge on addition concepts. Through a variety of strategies, they have been able to complete a range of addition questions. Our emphasis has been on being able to complete worded addition problems. In the upcoming weeks we will be focussing on subtraction, multiplication and division. 

We have begun our two new units of learning in Inquiry and Science. The Science unit focuses on how we use a range of natural resources in our daily lives and in Inquiry, students have been exploring the importance of protecting the environment and what we can do to protect and preserve the natural spaces we use regularly. 

This term, we've kicked off 3/4 sports activities. Our students have been divided into three groups to ensure everyone gets a chance to participate in each activity. We've selected 3 activities aimed at improving their skills in Netball and T-ball, alongside enhancing their fitness through skipping and mastering hula hoops. The students have been engaged and are thoroughly enjoying these sessions.

In buddies we have begun creating groups for readers theatre. Students will all have the chance to be a part of a small play where they can learn lines or help create props for the performance. We have chosen from a range of children's stories as well as Aboriginal DreamTime stories for the students to perform. 

Important reminders:

  • Leadership morning 14/5/24 
  • Book fair week  20/5/24
  • School photos 27/5/24
  • If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email your child's classroom teacher. Here are some photo highlights: