Year Four Team News

with Rebecca, Katie & Matt

Hello Year Four families,

Fortnightly Curriculum Focus

Literacy: During week 5 Writing, students worked hard to finish their drafts of their narratives, Everyday Hero. Some students also began editing and publishing their work. 


In Reading, the students practised changing their voices to indicate different types of sentences to support their fluency when reading. They were also able to identify pivotal moments in texts using either the SWBST (Somebody Wanted But So Then) or the First, Next, Then templates.


Numeracy:  The Grade Fours have been continuing with their Number Sense Workshops. They have set multiplication based goals and played numeracy games to help support them reach these goals. The students have also been exploring fractions on number lines and decimals. They have been investigating the relationship between fractions and decimals.


Inquiry:  Students have begun using their newfound and prior knowledge to discuss and predict the relative distances between the Sun, Earth and Moon. This saw the students using a yoga ball (sun), tennis ball (Earth) and marble (moon) spaced out where they thought each one should be. It was interesting to see that the students knew to keep the moon and earth near each other but were still far apart.


Important Dates Coming Up

25th of August - Book Week Dress-up and parade (9:15am)


Specialist Timetable for Semester 2 (Repeat)

KitchenFriday Friday Friday 




If you are able to send a box of tissues with your child to school it would be greatly appreciated.


Homework (Repeat) 

Students in Year 4 receive their homework on a Monday and are required to complete and hand in the following activities on the Friday of the same week. 


Homework tasks include:

  • Reading – four nights per week for a minimum of 15 minutes. Students are to record the book titles for the week on the Reading Log sheet.
  • Maths – playing the number games learnt in class at home to continue building number sense and revising learnt skills.
  • Spelling – suggested activities to help practise the words that your child has chosen.
  • Problem Solving/Critical Thinking – a fun puzzle or problem to solve.

Camp Adanac 

It’s finally happened…we made it to camp and home again!

The Grade Fours had a wonderful time and so did the teachers and parent volunteers. Students moved through rotations over two days with activities such as canoeing, flying fox, hut building and camp cooking. There were lots of fun things to do during spare time, with the Gaga pit getting a good workout, as well as the trampoline and soccer cage.

All meals were delicious, especially when dessert followed the main meal! I’m sure all the students are exhausted and happy to be home with family again.

A big thank you to the parent helpers, David, Pande, Melissa and Nina for their willingness to join us and supporting the students through the activities. We are all extremely grateful for your support, making camp a fun time for all.


Warm regards,

The Grade Four Team - Matt Eason-Jones (4E), Rebecca Givogue (4G)  & Katie Simeon (4S)