Year Three Team News

with Katja, Emil, Carmel & Mary

Hello Year Three families,   

Our Year 3 Willy Kids have been enthusiastically participating in incursions and whole school events, over the past few weeks. We had a wonderful 150th birthday celebration last week. Tomorrow 3C will be hosting our whole school assembly. In 2 weeks time, 3D will be hosting.


Book Week

  • Today we began celebrating Book Week with a Whole School Incursion ‘WAY TOO COOL’ which was an engaging, original performance filled with music, adventure and intrigue based on the CBCA shortlisted books of 2023.
  • Next week is the official Book Week and the students will be involved in many activities throughout the week culminating with a whole school book character parade on Friday 26th August. We are looking forward to seeing your child’s costume depicting a favourite book character.

Coming up - Sustainability Walking Tour

On Tuesday 5th September (Week 9), the Year 3 classes will be travelling by train to the city where they will participate in a walking tour commencing at Federation Square.

‘This tour enables students to explore a wide variety of central city places where sustainable practice is being implemented Melbourne’s residents, shops, planners, architects, council, social enterprises, horticulturalists and transport authorities. Students are provided with a list of simple personal steps to implement in their homes, school and community. Every student on our tours also carries an identity of a sustainability champion.’

We will be returning to school by train.

They will need to bring a packed snack and lunch, drink bottle and wear their school uniform with comfortable shoes.

*Each class will require at least 3 parents to accompany us. Please see your class teacher if you are able to join us.

Keep an eye  on Compass for when you are able to pay and consent at your earliest convenience.



Fortnightly Curriculum Focus:

Reading: Making connections when reading – text to self, text to text and text to world. Types of verbs (action, helping, linking) & verb tenses (past, present, future).

Writing: The students will continue publishing their poems to make their own poetry book.

Numeracy: Fractions - Model, and represent unit fractions including ½, ¼, ⅓, ⅕ and their multiples to a complete whole. Represent and count simple fractions on a number line. Investigating equivalent fractions.


Inquiry: What does living sustainably look like in our local community? Modern Sustainability: What does sustainability mean? What does sustainability look like in 2023? What do you do that is sustainable and environmentally friendly? What have you seen that is sustainable?


Respectful Relationships & Child wise: AssertivenessThe importance of Saying “No” to things you don’t feel comfortable doing.


Literacy:  15-20 minutes of reading daily. 10 minutes of spelling practice related to the SMART spelling focus and their personal words.

Numeracy: - 10 minutes of revision focusing on concepts taught at school. Practice times tables.


Warm regards,  

The Grade 3 team - Katja Rosic (3R), Emil de Vries (3D), Mary Colangelo and Carmel Byrne (3C),