Library Corner

CBCA Book Week 2023 - Read, Grow, Inspire

We had a great time celebrating Book Week including an author talk by Martin Chatterton for our Junior School students. Congratulations to Faustine who won the Book Week Quiz & Bryony and Elsie who came equal first for their amazing drawings!


In late August, Martin Chatterton came to our school to not only talk about his books and share details of his life and career with us but also to draw a few lucky students. Martin has a very fun and goofy art style where he will look at you and exaggerate some of your features. As a cohort it was very fun to watch him draw one of our classmates which was very funny and interesting to watch. Next he went to tell us all about his very many books he's written, along with sharing a really funny story about his father-in-law’s pet bird that sparked an idea for a book that is coming out very soon. He ended his talk by showing us the trailer for one of his books, 'The Tell'. Overall it was a very enjoyable and funny experience and I'm very pleased we all got to meet Martin Chatterton. 
 Anara W 9C


Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge

Congratulations to all students who participated and completed the Challenge. All students who completed the Challenge will be given a certificate of achievement signed by the Victorian Premier and former Premiers in Term 4. Students will be notified by email of details of the presentation and prize draw.


R U OK? Day 

R U OK? Day is our national day of action when we remind Australians that every day is the day to ask, “are you ok?”. The library prides itself on supporting young people and their wellbeing with a great range of resources including our digital Wellness Collection. Check it out here.


Homework Help

Tuesday & Wednesdays after school in the library (3.30pm - 4.30pm).

Volunteer tutors available for assistance with most subject areas.

The library is open everyday after school for students to study except when staff meetings are scheduled.


Library Links

Library Catalogue:

Digital Books: 

Students sign into both the catalogue and digital books with their EduPass account details.


Clare Murayama
