Students of the week

Term 3 - Week 8
Jonah G - For your amazing writing! You have been taking on extra sentences and even using the new digraphs that we have been learning! I loved your writing all about the red and black trucks! What a star you are!
Lincoln L - Linc, you have been such a fantastic worker this term. You have become a literacy legend and a maths whiz! You're reading so smoothly, you are writing so wonderfully and you have been marvellous during maths. You have made so much growth and you should be very proud of yourself! Keep up the awesome work Linc!
Alex A - Congratulations Alex! You have displayed great initiative and taken responsibility for your learning. You should be proud of your work completion rate this week!
Angus M - Angus, your attitude towards all of your learning is amazing to watch. You show incredible persistence in determination to complete tasks to a high standard, whether it's your creative Big Writes, maths games, or production rehearsals, you are on fire with everything you do. Well done superstar!
Julian E - For being such a thoughtful, hardworking and positive member of 1C. Your positive attitude and wonderful work ethic shine through in all that you do during class. Well done, Julian.
Ethan C - Ethan, you are such a kind friend that immediately helps others who need it purely from your caring nature. You demonstrate outstanding Monty Friendship values and 2A are so lucky to have you as part of our class.
Ellie C - Ellie, what a wonderful role model you are in our class. You are always making the right choices, even when no one is watching. You are such a dedicated learner, and you always give 100% in everything you do. Keep up the amazing work!
Thomas G - Thomas has demonstrated that he is a responsible learner who gives his best in everything he does. He has a positive attitude towards learning and challenges himself to reach his learning goals. Keep up the fantastic work!
Jaxon S - Jaxon, thank you for your constant positive attitude in our classroom. All year you have been a terrific role model for others and it has been great to see you grow and develop as the year has progressed. Keep it up, superstar!
Scarlett R - Scarlett, you always enter the classroom with a smile on your face and are ready to take on any challenge with a positive attitude. Keep it up superstar!
Emily B - For the kindness and friendship you show everyone in our class. You make everyone feel welcomed and valued!
Mikaylah C - Mikaylah, your positivity, smile, kindness and friendliness are like rays of sunshine. You are such a hard worker, have made such great progress and always give everything your best effort. 3/4D is so lucky to have such a legend in our class.
Brydi S - Brydi, you have worked really hard on your latest persuasive writing. Through reflecting on our sentence structure work, as well as using different techniques, you have produced an excellent piece. Well done!
Javier DF - Javier, your proficiency with operating technology never goes unnoticed, nor unappreciated, in 5/6A. Thank you for all the help you continue to provide your peers and teacher!
Nickan N - Nickan, it was terrific to see you organised, ready and enthusiastic to complete the project! With an organised project on Tsunamis, improvement that breaks through. We love your development, give an enormous wave to the new you.
Tylahr T - Congratulations Tylahr, it has been sensational to witness your organisation, dedication and positive attitude toward your natural disasters project. It was fantastic to watch your volcano erupt and you should be so proud of all your hard work. Keep it up, Superstar!
Henry B - For your positive attitude to school, learning and life. You have made wonderful growth in all areas and continue to shine very brightly in 5/6D. Well done, Henry!
Loke B - For your dynamic natural disaster project complete with working volcano, well done on your expo presentation!
Maika I - For being such a great monkey tagger in our Silly Bananas game! You had a smile on your face the entire game. Keep up the great work Maika!!