
First of all, thank you to all the volunteers for your help at our first Japanese Soup Day at Monty market. We asked students what soup we should serve. Many voted for udon noodles and it was a big hit! Well done to our students who tried udon for the first time. Trying something new is really important because you will never find out otherwise. It sounds like many really enjoyed it, so that’s a bonus!
Photo: April and Finn 56E (udon day)
YR2 students are currently learning how to tell a story in Japanese. They are learning all the vocabulary as well as some phrases used in the story. Some are using great expression to re-telling the story, which is fantastic. Keep up the great work YR2 students!
Photo: Karuta activity
Foundation - Our Foundies are learning shapes in Japanese this term, and reviewing colours and numbers. They have eagle eyes and find all sort of shapes in our classroom and tell me in Japanese. They have enjoyed creating patterns using all sorts of shapes and sharing what shapes they have used in Japanese. Well done Foundies!
Photo: Shape FB
Japanese Language Teacher
Junko Nichols