Middle SS News
Sarah Hill
Middle SS News
Sarah Hill
Term 3, Week 9
Happy Week 9 everyone! I hope you all feel ‘restored’ after yesterday's Curriculum Day with Sheila Bollard. The day brought about lots of thinking, clarifying, reconsidering and new learning. Hopefully you have come away feeling inspired to make a change. This could be something minor, a small shift in your practice, or something more significant. Whatever it is, it is important to seek ways in which you, and we as a collective can adapt to the needs of our students, and grow as educators.
Maintenance Program
Teachers, I encourage you to upload an updated copy of your maintenance program prior to the end of term. Be sure to include any changes in staffing and/or student behaviour as well as changes to your regular timetable.
PLC Goals
Please ensure you have completed your follow-up goals on the spreadsheet after moderating student work during PLC’s this term.
ABLES Assessment
Please ensure these assessments are uploaded to SharePoint as per Dan’s email.
PLC Work Samples
Please can one sample for each student in each learning area be uploaded to Google Drive under moderation samples. If this is something you are not familiar with how to do, please either seek assistance, or put the pieces in my pigeon hole detailing the level and content area and I will upload these for you.
Photos to Nikki
Nikki is in the process of updating our MSS display. Please email Nikki 5 photographs to go on display by Friday.
SSG Minutes
I am still awaiting some SSG minutes to be emailed through to me. Please ensure these are both uploaded and emailed.
CTM Minutes
Please can CTM minutes be uploaded onto SharePoint and checked in.
Seesaw/PBS Representatives
I am still awaiting your representatives for PBS and Seesaw from some classrooms. Please can I ask that you update the spreadsheet to reflect which staff member is taking on the role of representative in each of these areas.
Thanks for all of your hard work this term. No two days have been the same, and no two days have been easy, but there is something good in every day.
Have a great week!