Celebrations and Acclamations
- Primary SS - Thank you to staff supporting 1:1 students out in the playground. This really helps ensure all students have success in the playground.
- Middle SS - A huge thank you to Stacie and the team for all the work you do behind the scenes with our students. Your work doesn't go unnoticed.
- Secondary SS - A big thank you to Karen Glare who works tirelessly to support students and their families who are graduating this year.
- Learning Specialists - Sending a big thankyou to all staff in room 14 and 19 for making a new learning specialist feel incredibly welcome. Also, A big thankyou to Fiona for always explaining information when needed.
- Therapy - Thank you Jacob for all your assistance with the Therapy Team's maintenance needs. We appreciate all that you do for the school and the therapy team.
- Admin - Shout out to the admin/finance staff who are picking up additional tasks whilst Julie is LSL. Fantastic teamwork by all. Great work. 😊
- PCT - Thank you to all staff for your engagement in Restorative Practice 2.0 and being committed to using more consistent language, mindset and conduct when supporting students. Building a school wide culture of empathy respect and inclusion helps us to better understand and respond to challenging behaviours. The presentation slides have been emailed to all staff.