Commonwealth Environmental Water Community Engagement Workshop

On Tuesday 29th August, Year 10 and 11 students were given the opportunity to spend the day with Scientists from RMIT and Streamology as part of a Community Engagement Workshop.  This school workshop was part of the Commonwealth Environmental Water Office's on-ground Monitoring Evaluation and Research Program that includes the Lower Goulburn/Kaiela River which GB CMA is a partner in.


Students listened to presentations about how the various water flows in the Goulburn River affected its geomorphology and the habitats in and around the river, before going down to the river to identify landmarks and features of the river and getting a little muddy. Each group of students then presented what they had found and what they understood from looking at the river. Students also got their hands dirty identifying and counting various waterbugs (macroinvertebrates) found in the various river habitats. This connects directly with Unit 2 Environmental Science using the macroinvertebrates as biological environmental indicators and later discussions on water security.


Thank you to RiverConnect, The Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder, The Flow-MER Program, Goulburn Broken CMA and Streamology for partnering with us and providing this valuable community connection.



Rebecca Amadei

Environmental Science Teacher