From the 

Leadership Team

Term 3 has come and nearly gone and holidays will soon be upon us. For most of us that will be an opportunity to recharge our batteries ready for Term 4. For our Year 12’s however it is part of their final six and a half weeks of their secondary education and will be a time to begin preparing for life post school. For some this time will be preparing for exams in their quest for university admission. For others this may be the first time they have begun the search for full time work, an apprenticeship or a traineeship. Whatever the pathway of choice it is an important time for all of our Year 12’s. Over the holidays a program for Year 12 students will be held from Monday the 18th to Friday the 22nd of September, please contact Miss Cummins via Teams for more details.


Over the past few weeks GSSC has been a busy place with Year 12 Spirit Week, Book Week, Interhouse athletics, Ganbina Industry tour and Mural painting events taking place.


Spirit Week was the brainchild of our Year 12 students where they had a different theme each day of the week wearing costumes based on a theme. This coincided with Book Week and culminated with a whole school dress up day on Friday. The staff got involved and dressed up with a ‘Where’s Wally?' theme with a prize for the first student to identify Wally, Wenda and Odlaw. This wasn’t an easy task as there were a large number of staff dressed as decoys. The week was a great success and is likely to become a part of the calendar for future Year 12 students.


The Interhouse Athletics were held recently with great participation and a number of students have progressed to the next level of competition the GMDSSV Sports. Here’s hoping for more success. 


Our Junior Summer Sports are being held in the second week of next term with Volleyball, Cricket, Softball/Baseball, Tennis and Table Tennis being offered. Students need to sign up as early as possible to ensure there is time to enter teams in the competition. Instructions are available to students on Compass.


The Ganbina Industry tour has given some of our students an introduction to the world of work with students visiting Bunnings earlier this week. Thanks to the Ganbina team for organising such a valuable opportunity for our students.


We have issued AIRR awards (Aspiration, Integrity, Responsibility and Respect) to students wearing full school uniform with six students each week being given a canteen voucher (names drawn from all of the AIRR awards for the week).


Our final Assembly for the term is being held on Wednesday 13th of September with all of our Year 12’s and Dharnya Neighbourhood attending. All other students will be viewing online.


Finally, Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences are being held in the last week of term. This semester we have a hybrid model. Online conferences via TEAMS will be held on Thursday the 14th of September and face-to-face conferences held onsite on Friday the 15th (there will be no classes held on this day). Bookings are via Compass. Times and booking procedure are indicated elsewhere in the Newsletter.



Stephen Bolton

Dharnya Neighbourhood Principal